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  1. L

    So i might be beaten to death..

    ur gonna get fucked up unless u enlist the help of muah... haha i hate guys who think they are the shit while they hide behind other people.(not u) actually i dont know the whole story so im gonna shut up but if ur in olathe ks then gimme a call ill be glad to stomp some ass
  2. L

    Where have all the muscly guys gone?

    OMG!! Marissa Miller? That stomach.....:woo: :woo: :woo:
  3. L

    Shootings in Virginia

    I feel so bad for the victims... especially for the families of those killed and the survivors... what happend was terrible but still there are gonna be people who wont want to change gun ownership laws -and second amendment... i think. Not sure if that will be the solution but i think it...
  4. L

    The Vomit Ray...

    We do, I want my turn someday!
  5. L

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    Hi Gangrelchilde.... Do you get much of these cases with juveniles? Kew-Do
  6. L

    Weird animals!

    Being pedantic, but I think you mean David Attenborough.
  7. L

    16 yr old kid figures out a way to scam pedos

    you'd fit right in. illiteracy and child porn abound i hear.
  8. L

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    This is going back in the thread some... but since someone did bring up the subject of slavery Imperialist Missionaries Infringe Al-Qaeda Freedom Fighter's Right To Recruit Christian Children In Punjab
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    Women And Money

    I'm happy when people believe that, because it means they'll stay away from the truly better beaches.
  10. L

    Man tried starting a fight at random, 11am drunk

    it's hard to explain to people that haven't experienced it. i've been other places too, like morocco where the infrastructure is poor, but people do not drive crazy like us greeks. i've been given the double mootza many times. probably the most hilarious, i was heading from ilioupoli to agia...
  11. L

    Sept 11th a day like any other...

    Because it happened on live TV.
  12. L

    Wild accussation

    Topher filled the void while MAP was down by making prank calls to the local Scientology center.
  13. L

    Mind trick picture.

    A Clockwork Orange.
  14. L

    cool stuff on google earth.

    you lie, i saw that like a year ago.
  15. L

    What books SHOULDN'T of been made into movies?

    lets see i reallly think they should have waited to make the harry potter movies until after everyone has read ALL the books because they ruined my imagination also the princess diaries is all wrong but still good
  16. L

    trying to concieve?

    I wish I could talk about cycles but I can't. I think it is problematic. See a specialist, ob/gyn who will be able to help you, probably regulate your periods. Good luck and baby dust to you....I'm also TTC
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    Guess this movie [2]?

    Hocus Pocus
  18. L

    Guess this movie [2]?

    salems lot
  19. L

    Looking for an awesome book?

    I HAVE YOUR ANSWER!The Naming by Alison Croggon is awesome! It's titled The Gift in Australia(where the author lives) and I think UK. It is the first book of the Pellinor series including The Riddle and The Crow, and The Singing which hasn't come out yet. It's YA but who cares it's amazing.