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  1. H

    Anyone else accident prone/stupid?

    Haha. I've already had some close calls.
  2. H

    Petition to make cheese a fruit!

    Chocolate bunnies of course.
  3. H

    How to Kill Annoying Bird

    I suggest you contact Wile E. Coyote.
  4. H

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    So now it's down to colour, not religion! Well the Serbs are white too. But we sent troops to help Muslims against Christian Serbs. Your arguments don't make a lot of sense, I'm afraid. I see. The same Europeans who persecuted the Jews for two thousand years? If there had been no...
  5. H

    Tibetans killed while trying to escape China

    I remember this case; she was freed shortly after Amnesty International began a campaign petitioning Beijing for her release. Now she is an occasional spokesperson for Amnesty on prisoners of conscience (and in Tibet in particular). She is an incredibly strong person to have so defiantly endured...
  6. H

    Most valuable possesion

  7. H

    Girls on Facebook that you would do dirty dirty things to

    ITP, who the fuck are these girls that these are FB photos...
  8. H

    Alcoholics Anonymous: V. with a poll!

    Yeah I went from drinking a bottle and a half or more of either sailor Jerry's or vodka. Now I drink predominately beer with a shot or 2 mixed in the night. Waking up every morning with the shakes was a no bueno for me. Then again I also haven't been drinking 6-7 nights a week since I got...
  9. H

    put down again

    This thread is full of epic win.
  10. H

    Ginger kids....

    Your just pissed cause your a ginger.
  11. H

    serious paint war question

    What the fuck are you talking about? Since when am I trying to be Zoink?
  12. H

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    She did order the sinking of the Belgrano which was probably not in any way legal under the rules of engagement. But as I have stated before the Junta in Argentina are more to blame as they had ordered it south and they knew the UK had hunter killer subs in the south atlantic.
  13. H

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" I generally avoid Second Amendment arguments with non-Americans because they can't really relate to the Constitutional arguments and would rather debate policy. However, you're right. We don't talk about how much privacy we "need" from...
  14. H

    Pooping Bricks?

    Fail at life, right there.
  15. H

    The Television License Fee?

    You should complain to a supervisor. Everyone has bad employees. I didn't have a TV license for 3 years, I sent off the form to say I didn't need one and never saw an inspector once.
  16. H

    Are you getting enough sleep

    Great thread. It wouldn't be complete without this link though: Also, as a tiny concession to using computers late into the evening, there's a piece of free software called F.Lux that dims the screen at local sunset for you. I've no idea how much difference it...
  17. H

    favorite drinks

    Amp, Rockstar, Monster, Redbull. Chocolate Milk. Iced Tea. Red Powerade.
  18. H


    You can tell, by listening to her rants on how beautiful she is.
  19. H

    Cost of living in UK?

    north west is pretty cheap comparded to the south. i reakon circa 15-20k pa would see you alright up ere(north). although you could live off as little as 9 or 10k if your a humble fella. where are you now cyph? you could always come and claim assylum and get everything the tax payer can afford...