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    unanswerable questions

    my theory is they both explode or whatever. so how about "if a tree falls in the woods and no ne hears it does it make a sound?" I guess the answer is yes but we'll never know. Are there any MA themed questions like this?
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    Who would win in a fight: A Rabbit or a Snake

    Well, that's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide, it's a killer!!! He's got huge, sharp — eh — He can leap about — Look at the bones! I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no...
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    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays As a matter of fact, YES...they were, indeed, pagan. Their gifts of frankincense, gold, and myrrh were not the only basis for this ongoing tradition, however. The exchange of gifts was part of the pagan tradition around Solstice. The ritual of gift-giving...
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    did you study?

    Yay! You win! :) least he's not an illiterate moron like the rest of the 15 year olds around here are.
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    This 2012 thing...

    Tell me about it - we'll end up with winters like Nova Scotia if that happens, and our infrastructure is not remotely capable of handling that!
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    New Edgy Haircut...

    lol.. the faux hawk has been flying for about 3 or 4 years now. You might not want to go that route. Though it's not a bad cut to have... remember it's hard to get it styled like it looks after Fernando lavishes all his love and care on it down at the salon. You might want to try the no. 1...
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    What are you doing right now?

    I kinda preferred SG-1 over Atlantis. Mostly because I'm biased since Ive watched SG-1 before Atlantis and because I've watched longer as well. Also, I find the chemistry between the members in SG-1 better compared to Atlantis.
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    Happy New Year MAP

    Happy New years everyone, although it was a long time ago for me! MAP's resolution... to boot those trolls.
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    There is No Such Thing as Race

    Genius. You do realize that was 5 years ago, right?
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    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations

    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations :dodgy: sorry p8nt for posting non nominations.....
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    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    Koreans, regardless of the size of their new American Empire, still get invaded by the Japanese who now take ultimate control of America. The whole world becomes wierd like the Japanese, and their silly little robot kitties and artificially intelligent tamagotchi monsters enslave the human race...
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    This guy hates gandhi

    OP how the fuck did you get this?
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    Is the third brother always gay?

    Two of my friends are the third brother and they are gay. I've heard this before, is it true that in a family of three boys that the third brother is gay because there is not enough testosterone.
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    whats wrong with my cellphone?

    This is definitely the microphone problem.Get it repaired from the nearest service centre.Thank uGud Luc
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    Why don't they show Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nick anymore?

    It's coming back to TV by April 18th with new episodes. :DBTW, volume 2 came out in January, and volume 3 will come out on May 6th. You can keep up to date with the site below. It's accurate. :D
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    Good fantasy book series?

    I love authors like George R.R. Martin, Terry Goodkind, Michael Crichton, etc. I'm look for a nice long fantasy series...anything with magic, swords, wizards, medieval stuff... anything you picked up and couldn't put back down 'till you were done!Already read Harry Potter, Twilight series...
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    Sex Moves........?

    well, try to make love in different places. like at the park, in an elevator, behind a shelf in the library, on the beach under the stars, in a spa, or on the roof. be daring, its such a turn on!
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    do you capitalize the i in 'is' in a title of a book?

    no you dont have to
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    What's your thoughts on the sheriff's comment denying allegations? Was this rape?

    Great find, You need a better headline to draw people in like, "Was she violated, video male cops help strip female"I don't have much use for scum of the earth like that, you can only hope their loved ones are returned the favorThen maybe a few of them might think?More...
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    Are you related to anyone famous??

    i'm related to the doctor that delivered abraham lincoln.