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  1. S

    We Are Next !

    oh noez 4chan!
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    How many Canadians on MAP?

    Don't get me wrong, he's done some good things for the province, but I am still a little miffed on how those "good" things were done. It is kinda nice to get Ralph bucks though.
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    happy new year troops
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    English or American breakfast

    Non-sweet waffles with bacon bits in the batter, langos (to dip in the eggs), topped with poached eggs, Kielbasa, bacon, onions, pyroghy's (fried and topped with sour cream), juice, fried potatoes, fruit.... after we eat this it's time to start of the proper breakfast.... To me both the...
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    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! the rednecks. cant stand those hick ass's thinking just cuz they are from texas they are cowboys. the blacks. you are african american living in a white suburb. you are not a gangster. nobody is scared of you. your people cannot fight. the...
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    Last Subway of my life

    Guys. Time-out. We have a bigger issue on our hands... What are we gonna do about Manbearpig?
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    Really need help with a personal issue!!!

    Polar bear is right, You can't even be friends with this guy, they see friendships as a means to an end and even use their friends to get what they want so even if you be friends with him he will use stuff against you. I was in a relationship with a guy who has sociopathic traits for 5 months...
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    "Levels of rape"

    Do you always post in a manner that makes quoting your reply cumbersome? Age changes people. Simple as that. At different points in peoples lives they are looking for different things. They have different expectations in life and of the people around them. Teenagers typically have short term...
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    Dinosaur World

    That's pretty sweet, I would love to go there.
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    Guy’s can never win. Or why guys hate Christmas.

    Guy Lets keep it that way, imagine if you had to choose the colour of the stone, it could take forever.
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    referendum on Europe

    That doesn't really affect my argument- not being part of the EU would make trade more difficult, resulting in a weakened economy.
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    Climate change research fraud

    I can tell you why I have problems with the AGW and especially the CO2 warming theories. I don't drive. I don't hold stock in any companies, let alone energy or car companies. I used to be all for saving a planet that was doomed by global warming. My perception of global warming started to...
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    Past or the Future?

    Both, I want to go Back to the Future
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    Human swine Influenza

    I'm genuinely curious. Who do you believe would want to convince the population that a deadly pandemic is inevitable and what would they stand to gain from it?
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    10/10 I LOVE TIGERS!!!!!! 7/10 because I said so lol
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    St - Rate My Mega Sammich

    holy fuck my margins
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    Swords vs. Guns

    I think that swords are better but thats for close range attacks and for guns they are for far away attacks so there for I would have to say that I would have to go with a Gunblade because heck its better because its both in one...
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    New Immigration Law/Protesters

    From what I understand of the situation, Bush is for the permitted entry to the US by Mexican workers, presumably these once illegal workers would then be able to pay tax, whilst fulfilling the valuable service they do at the moment. I dont see how this can be described as a bad policy, more...
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    what would you do in a zombie outbreak?

    oh! I forgot to add 2 more things to me arse...nal (haha! arse ) 1.) that kickass killer bunneh from monty python 2.) 5 highly pissed off cougars