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  1. C


    When in Rome. Have you considered muay thai? It would be like going to Brazil and learning TKD
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    How often do you fap? v.probablyalot

    7! fap taco now! back on track... thats what I have a woman for so somewhat rare for me edit... nvm dammit, ok ill start it over. 1
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    What did you guys do during the downtime?

    i fit 4 on mine
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    How angry have you ever gotten?

    i was on a huge raid with my WoW clan and about to get level 18 loot on a dungeon i got soo mad cause my character died. so i stood up pissed on my keyboard and threw a 20 oz CO2 tank at the monitor which sparked and burnt down the extra room built on to my house.
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    Shootings in Virginia

    BAM!!!! warning: strong language
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    What's an interesting, astronomy-related research topic?

    I'm interested in doing a research project on such a topic for my science fair this year, however I've had sheer bad luck in finding a potential project for a grade 12 student.
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    How long should i go to the gym (first time)?

    Start working out for 30 minutes.
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    Your .02 on anti-immigration laws.

    Wow, RIF, cullen. Go back and reread the posts where you asked me how many Latinos I knew and I listed all of them. And then go reread where you blew off my comments. They're not ad hominum attacks if there is a basis in fact, cullen. Get over it. I don't give a rat's ass about what you...
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    Think Gas is Expensive? Try putting things into perspective

    Yea, but I'm not buying all that shit by the gallons to put in my truck.
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    0mg escape. (good luck)

    escaping into paradise... where gas is 1.99 a gallon.
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    i went to the DMV to get my lost ID replaced and i was told that i have a FTA...

    ...from 2009 and FTP what can i do? can i show up and pay the fine or must i appear before the judge im afraid i will be arrested. what can i do ?
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    5 years ago i got pneumonia and it killed my cardio, it's only the last 3 years that I've been able to make progress on my cardio without making me cough my gutts up! Keep at it and you can break you PR's
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    leet speak class

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    Choose Your Path - MAP Edition

    You realise it was a mistake to post pictures of you on a tapout shirt, because now you have also become a target for the veterans in MAP, who you had forgotten, more than once have joked about tapout shirt wearing dudes. Do you: a) rage quit MAP b) photoshop all the MAP members you can get...
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    Could You Coldly Kill Someone?

    I could if my life was fucked up. But i wouldnt right now cause ilike my life, and i have a lot to live for. I dont want to go to jail for my whole life.
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    Getting Friend Zoned.

    I'm with Kuma and ap Oweyn on this one. It's not just a cliche' that the moment you stop looking is the moment women take notice. Women are very keen on identifying the subtlest signs of desperation and nobody finds desperation attractive. Women want to feel appreciated as individuals by a...
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    What's the difference b/w GNC total lean shake and casein protein powder?

    I bought the GNC total lean shake b/c the sales person told me it was more for women and people looking to lose weight versus building muscle with protein powder like Casein or whey. I am trying to decide if I bought the correct product. There are so many to choose from and I need to know what...
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    What Languages Do You Speak?

    I usually just sit on my ABC's
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    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    Always check the teeth Sometime they say they are 21, but check the teeth
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    I had a dream about this girl i like.?

    I have liked this girl since January. But she was going out with somebody else at the time. So i just gave up. so i went out with this other girl that i broke up with a couple days ago. and that night i asked brianna out. (the girl i like) and she said yes. and alisa (ex-gf) Got mad and called...