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  1. M

    Communist Invasion

    Fidel Castro?!
  2. M

    Just too kewl to not share.

    Go wash your brains out with soap!
  3. M

    last meal

    As I was gona die? Magic mushrooms. Too late to develop a habit now lol. Alternatively, I think Ham in Carbonara sauce with pasta, and a colossal ice cream sundae for desert- the sort of thing you get from Beefeater to share between 3
  4. M

    Help I have a Ford Freestyle 2005 that I paid too much for $16,000 the...

    ...transmission went out and they added? They added the cost to my loan now it's up to over $20,000. The vehicle is only worth $8,000 what can I do? How can I prove the mileage was changed so the warranty wouldn't cover the repairs?
  5. M

    Does anyone think sleeping on the floor is better

    47 , I have fallen asleep standing up before, while standing in formation during an inspection. It Can be done.
  6. M

    True Life BAMF

    i also thought it was good.
  7. M

    Mountain Dew FTW?

    how does your dentist feel about all these going-ons?
  8. M

    what happened to limewire?

    it jus dusnt work anymore
  9. M

    Why do chicks swarm?

    I'm pretty sure gaggle or skein is the plural. lolololololol
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    When you see it...

  11. M

    I'm on Fire!

    A building near me is on fire. I'm hoping the Fireman can put it out as I imagine we might be evacuated if it spreads.
  12. M

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    8/10 pic - I dig the blue 10/10 sig - I would quote the rest of the song but I'd be in violation of the TOS
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    To be honest the people who consider baning any childrens books like Harry Potter are a bunch of idiots in my opinion! And i belive that many people would agree ! Where exactly did you get this fact/opinion?
  14. M

    Troops are to stay in Iraq for years

    You obviously already have. And you accuse me having a 2-dimensional view on politics. So what else do you like about GWB 'living in up in Washington' ? How else does it benefit you ? Christian
  15. M

    I accidentally a pencil and sorbet is this bad?

    Is it bad?
  16. M

    Does anyone else agree that Al Gore is ranting on about Global Warming...

    I think we need to realize the problem is serious and forget about the messenger, whether you like him or don't. Global warming is changing just about everything about our planet. Maybe consider studying some of the scientific evidence before you get distracted by whether or not the messenger...
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    Liberal or Conservative? I wonder which I am. Any quiz I can take to find out?

    Ideas please!? It's time I figured this out! Please, serious answers!
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    GUYS ONLY! What is the longest you go without calling the woman you really LOVE?

    Do you feel OK not talking with her for a day, two days, or weeks? Are you ever really too busy to call or is that an excuse?
  19. M

    in laws from hell?

    I think your fiance needs to stand up for you! You have done nothing wrong. If he refuses to back you up, you will have one hard uphill struggle with that family. Your only hope would be if you move far, far away and only see them once a year, but if you live near them you will have nothing...
  20. M

    How do you get in touch, at no cost, with celebrities?

    I see celebrities on TV who say they were emailed by fans, but I'm wondering how the fans get this information.