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  1. D

    Texas vs Tennessee

    That is ver, very true. My bad on neglecting that. I just got into that argument today. My brother was saying it was all him, no one but, but Vince had sooooo much time.
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    Bad luck America

    LOL!! Guiness it is, then. Have you tried Pyramid beer? It's brewed either in Seattle (main site) or Berkeley. My favorite is the heffeweizen. Yum!
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    2nd grader brings gat to skool

    i wood bring a gun to kill everyone to if i lived in a place called Cudahay
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    Extreme body modification gaining popularity

    I have no moral objection to this sort of thing, I just find it more often than not looks hideous (according, of course, to my own personal aesthetic tastes.) If my kid came home with something like that I'd ask what the hell he/she was thinking, but you can't really punish someone for doing...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" If you're insulted by that comment I'd definitely not want you to have access to firearms. All throughout this thread and in other threads as soon as someone suggests some sort of restriction or further test you shout about the second amendment...
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    Did CERN just disprove one of the fundamental laws of Physics?

    Superstings have c at their center, period. (via the Planck constant) (c is the velocity of light, not relativity BTW) Still waiting for your example. OSu!
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    How many carbonated beverages?

    i usually go on a week long binge of sprite and then i wont drink anything carbonated for about 3 months
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    yaaaay lolcats!! italicscat rocks.
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    What colour is Thursday?

    Indeed, that's not an easy question. It all depends upon what group you wish to endorse. Thailand India Western zodiac Numerology Chinese zodiac
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    Guns and Glory

    I remember ordering a 1st Gen Glock 17 from one of my relatives who is a licensed dealer. (Over 20 years ago) I was so anxious to shoot, that his dealership was not that far within city limits from an indoor range. Customers can purchase ammo at the range, and although at tad more expensive, it...
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    Protests in Arab world

    I believe congratulating the Egyptian people is premature at this point. They greased the process certainly and they looked great on television but they did not overthrow a dictator. What you have is one former general being replaced by a group of generals. The former general was bound &...
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    What are you doing right now?

    being unproductive while i wait to digest, then hopefully i'll exercise a bit.
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    gay wizard is gay

    Hmmm I'm trying to think of any other gay characters in children's books.
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    easter basket? wtf

    i gots an easters baskets but i eats all da candys
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    Listen Up Bers!!!!!

    Watching Dogs Bone There Owners...:maybedodgy:
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    The Best Dressed Man of the 80s

    Good point Andy, I have just realised that most of these people know......ahem...homose..I think we all get the point Well spotted
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    Do You Think Gay People Should Have Special Rights?

    "You know how I know you're gay? You have a rainbow bumper sticker on your car that says "I Like It When Balls Are In My Face"" "That's gay?"