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  1. B

    Words fail me... (baby p)

    ^ Damn! Reading that literally turned my stomach. I really really hope these scumbags get some kind of payback in prison.
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    So i might be beaten to death..

    noone gunna kill you. people dont have balls now-a-days
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    The Time has come: SENIOR PRANKS

    Thanks for some ideas, but some sound like vandalism lol. Any more? My only big concern is how to get INTO the school since its all locked :( I dont want to ask someone that knows the janitor b/c i want to get away risk free!
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    most fucked up thing you have ever done

    Jerked off in a dressing room.
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    Have you ever done this? *game*

    quit asking that! no! in the mile high club?
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    School students saved when assualt weapon jams on would be killer

    I knew at least 80% of them if not more... Where did I say it was acceptable? Yes, I did. Thanks for catching that.
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    UK Police - procedures for search of a female

    I'm sorry to hear that. Many years back my wife had a problem with an overzealous store security guard that had me seeing red. Give em hell JB.
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    Legitimacy of Humanitarian Intervention

    That's rich coming from someone who doesn't exactly have a great track record at forming a coherent sentence much less spelling in English. ref:
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Using that reasoning (one example counterbalances all policy discussion), we should have taken guns away from cops after Amadou Diallo and nightsticks away from cops after Rodney King and pepper spray away from cops after UC Davis. According to a recent CDC study (ordered by President Obama...
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    I have a job interview tomorrow!

    Good job man. I remember on my first interview, I totally blanked out, and just did the usual "slouch, look confused, and VERY nervous" But I still managed to get the job. So, how much you makin'? PL
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    contact lenses

    I buy 2 months supply of daily disposables every 3 months and I wear them every day. I just leave 'em in overnight sometimes and make 'em last.
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    The Randomness Thread

    i wanna do ameri do te i'm already the right size for groin attacks
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    The parenting thread

    That's what the park is for! also, there is a non-tackling version of british bulldogs.
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    How much does it cost to go to the tanning bed?

    it should work pretyt well. I have a little face acne and little shoulder/back. Ill report back in 2 weeks when i go.
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    Same here, but the profanity filter lets that one go, plus it's a medical term not slang.
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    a fair if to me uptight opinion but again the terminology thugs, where was the violence ?
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    Weird Dreams

    Nah you'll be fine, not like you married him. .... Did you? :| I had a dream the other night that kinda sucked. I've had zombie dreams PLENTY of times before. Usually I come out on top. Had a fun one once where a massive horde came charging round the corner (a la Left 4 Dead) and I rushed in...
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    Any Dog Owners? Looking for advice on breeds...

    My Uncle had a rottie for years, he was a lovely dog, but yeah not for me... I think I've narrowed it down to a Border Collie, now just a matter of deciding male or female (Personally I'm leaning towards a male, but mum is concerned a male might harrass our current Sheltie female) and whether...
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    4/10 - meh 3/10 - didnt read it