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  1. P

    Ramen Noodles

    Try switching to Japanese fresh noodles (soba, udon) instead--just as fast, half the calories, low fat.
  2. P

    Am i doomed to be screwed over by women?

    LOL seany Not all women I own one pair of boots, and one pair of trainers. That's it I think what you're saying has a lot to do with society though. You go to another country and there's plenty of societies that are quite different. Some places where women quite literally are both meat...
  3. P

    The Confession Thread

    19? Jeez. I was 24. Mind you I was extreeeeemly shy as a teenager, and well into my 20s. Guizzy, have you named your gut as well?
  4. P

    I Hate We "The People"

    I Hate We "The People" so because they study the constitution and their rights everyone hates them? you have no idea the amount of hope I lose every day...
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    Dangerous Dog Act

    Likewise Keikai, at present it is illegal to own a pure bred pitbull - but I think even cross breeding them should be illegal. At the same time I wouldn't want to see the extinction of a breed simply because people cannot manage them correctly. They are definately NOT family pet material...
  6. P

    lulz i got arrested

    thats fucked up he punched you but its alright ya know
  7. P

    Today wuz last day of high school

    18 mas. plus another year, im a junior
  8. P

    Working labor laws

    But it does coast $12 for an 18 pack of beer.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Speak for yourself
  10. P

    Plastic Surgery.

    I think if you have some huge grouth on your face and ppl think of you dofforent just cuz you look freeky..and ppl wont treat you diff after you have it..then i think its ok...has any one on MAP had PS?
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    Well the Army finaly fucked me.

    I could of swore our medic in germany was cid cause he didn't know shit.
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    Return of the ultimate badass

    they did face heavy solidified defenses, and i think i read that the only beachhead that was considerably more fortified was Omaha but i could be wrong? w/e either way our soldiers fight hard as do most.
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    Who has played dungeons and dragons?

  14. P

    Essential items for dorm life?

    Lame.:tdown: I'd just get an apartment if I can't even cook in a dorm.
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    Help! I Need To Kill A Tree!

    Tordon RTU- Tree killer
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    I agree. Those "safety" razors remind me of what my father used when I was very young. (He uses a different type of razor now, no doubt for convenience, and it's not really of heirloom quality.) The blades I need are expensive. If yours are cheap ... dude, I'm thinking of switching, and then...
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    left or right?

    Well, I'm right handed in just about everything I can think of.
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    Anyone here like to do fun 5k events

    Hey slip you are really fast.
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    Mornington Crescent

    Honouring the ancestor's of the mighty Fish, Caledonian Park. Remember to stifle the Heep Heeps everyone. Bozzers wild. Mitch
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    most embarrasing thing that have ever happened to you in class

    I got caught sucking on a used tampon and got detention