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  1. C

    Craigs list ho game

    credit to psycho doughboy.
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    MAP the film!!!

    christmas and birthdays at once!!!! this is turning into "Animal Farm 2"!
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    bodyweight + 10 kilos, actually
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    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? Maybe that's one of my problems understnading this whole thing then since I don't really think of England as being a seperate country. Historically I do, but modern day I consider more akin to a state in the US. I still think of that as...
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    Margaret Thatcher has died

    History, which her rule now is, will either be covered in school, or through personal learning because you are interested in it, I didn't cover that part of history in school, and I'm not interested in it, so why would I go out of my way to read about it?
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    MAP Photoshoppers...The Bar Has Been Raised!

    Kissing MAP Members?
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    The Carnivore Thread

    Urgh looking at those pictures has really put me off my cheese and salad cream on toast
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    British UFO archive and the Green men in UK?

    its the most awesomest of songs!!
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    Something that made me laugh on was someone saying that when people say their cat is great they usually say "He's affectionate", "He's really clever", He plays with toys"...basically the more a cat is like a dog the better they are! Very accurate that. I've just lost my two boxers...
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    Darwin Strikes Again!

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    Im at a loss for words. So Ill let this face do the talking for me
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    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    Getting rid of you Scots? Yes, yes it does
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    What book(s) are you reading right now?

    I'm in the middle of an awesome graphic novel called 'Family Man' by Dylan Meconis, and a non-fiction book called 'The World of the Shining Prince: court life in ancient Japan'.
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    a husband who is always whining and criticising !?

    Ouch. Sounds to me like it can be combination of things. Has he always been this insecure to invest emotionally into his family more than you? Given the info, it seems he is really insecure (with some discontentment mixed in for flavor) with himself and is letting you know indirectly. Of...
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    text sex? wtf?

    mhm, she apparently was supposed to reproduce with a bull, but she couldn't get a bull on her any other way, so they put her in a circle on a mat.
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    What makes your heart melt?

    When my 2 year old grandson puts his cheek on mine and holds it there for a minute.
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    My grandma is somewhat nuts, what can I do?

    Don't answer the door.
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    What do you recommend when you feel like you don't click the same way you used to...

    If you feel he belittles you and won't discuss it then perhaps you should limit the time you spend with him.