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  1. J


  2. J

    Got to be kidding?

    only works for the atlantic though. you can't swim the pacific or gulf of mexico i guess
  3. J

    flash proficient?

    website looks great, good work
  4. J

    I hate to say it but.....

    congrats on being homosexual
  5. J

    I haz a joke for you guis.

  6. J

    girl trouble

    If you think she's a nice person then don't ruin her relationship by letting your friend know you like him. If he didn't want to be with her he wouldn't be, and you could ruin your own friendship with him by letting him know. Wouldn't be a nice thing to do if you know he likes her IMO, would...
  7. J

    aiigt dogs im lookin fo summin too..

    Frog sex It's horny
  8. J

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I didn't realize that 'good guys' shot unarmed civilians willy nilly.
  9. J

    Boston Bomber Charged With Using WMD

    Haha! No I was being sincere. And not just for what I highlighted. You made very good points, for the record I hated that we went into Iraq, and Afghanistan has been a debacle. The terrorist have done a great job at trying to ruin western civilization. For the life of me I can't understand...
  10. J

    What are some good TV shows?

    My favourite shows are Lost, Prison Break, One Tree Hill. What are some other TV shows similar to those?
  11. J

    The Member Depreciation Thread

    Well, while this thread is resurrected, I depreciate you for not being available for :hubba:.
  12. J

    12 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Sucks!

    What we really need in American politics is a wolf in sheeps clothing. An intelligent, principled, educated person who can act like a brain dead religious fundamental until he/she gets into office.
  13. J

    Easy science fair project? Help??

    Are you too fucking retarded to use a search engine? Edit: Oh look what I found in 40 seconds on google. That was real hard. :rolleyes:
  14. J

    What do you consider the most flawless/perfect movie you have ever seen?

    myself. i've starred in a YouTube video, so I count as a moviestar, and being of German descendant, I'm totally flawless.
  15. J

    I bought a new computer from a yard sale and i found rank porn on it?

    bought a computer at a garage sale, and all the files were left intact. they didn't even delete anything off it. Mostly normal shit like pictures of people, music, etc. but when i looked in another file titled "none", I found disgusting porn on it. It was pictures and videos of guys pissing on...
  16. J

    8 tracks tapes!?

    i was at a garage sale today, looking for a cool crazy screwy retro ashtray to replace my ashtray that my brother broke in a drunken rage, and they had a stack of 8 tracks there, so i bought a shitload of them, and I rigged up the 8 track player that I pulled out of my truck a long time ago. I...
  17. J

    who here has sex with horses?

    Not that I have your attention, does anyone have any tips on building a really good AM antenna? I can't get good reception on my radio, and I can't find an AM antenna in the store. I was wondering if anyone here has any tips on building one?
  18. J

    I'm 17, don't have a credit card, How else can I buy off the Internet?

    get a paypal account. All you need is a chequing account, and a cheque. Almost everyone on eBay takes paypal. between you and me though, eBay is garbage. everything on ebay is always broken all the time.