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  1. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    you heretic!
  2. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I have resistance bands! *Jumps in joy*
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    It will not be solved by a quantum leap of science, but through gradual process. Everyone has heard of earth lights before an earthquake, and other strange lights/phenomena. But the process is in the learning, not the hard evidence of X=Y to form Z.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I knocked over a glass of water on my Fang Razer gamepad--the only gamepad I've found that is worth using for PC games--which I just special ordered used and in pristine condition, found on Ebay. They have been discontinued for years! I've been periodically searching for it's backup when I...
  5. M

    I found money today. :)

    Good for you slip... Do not spend it all at once... PS: That ranks no. 2 on my "strangest places to find money" list... I found app. 20 EUR in Greek Drachmas while diving...
  6. M

    Seeking male opinions

    That first British one is also the only one that really showed combat. Probably a shedload of bias kicking in but the number of videos I've seen from the Brit forces they seems to be more...honest... than for example the American one. EDIT: Trying not to hijack the thread with videos from every...
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    Worst drinking stories V. idk

    I haven't seen one of these threads in a while and I have a somewhat interesting one that happened the other night. We were a bit underage and I was the designated driver of the evening. These two scrawny fuckers killed a bottle of JD themselves. The bigger guy drank 75% of it. 3 AM we go back...
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    Change the song name

    The Whole of the Moon - The Waterboys
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    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    I am sorry, I misread your original post. I agree Bruce
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    How would you torture/kill the person above you?

    Make him drink a full Corona.
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    The No-Topic Thread

    Asbolulty brinilant.
  12. M

    Views on Afghanistan?

    Agreed but there must be some basis for it. I think thats a whole different thing compared to an idea that there may be terrorist camps. Somehow the WMD thing convinced Britain to get involved so I think it was a lot more than hear say. My personal opinion is the it was fake documents drawn up...
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    what be your favorite Stoner food?

    fruit by the foot
  14. M

    SPRINT!! i need help :) please?

    is there anyway of getting a list of my call history instead of or the sprint store??? thankyou.
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    How can I help my dad?

    honestly he has a problem, contact your local rahab center. if you love your dad, i think this would be the best thing to do. im hoping for the best.
  16. M

    How can I help my dad?

    honestly he has a problem, contact your local rahab center. if you love your dad, i think this would be the best thing to do. im hoping for the best.
  17. M

    when does sprint picture mail expire online?

    i really need to know. thank
  18. M

    vegetarian who doesnt know how to eat healthy!?

    Try veggie burgers they have all the veggies you need and taste great. Or a fruit smoothie is always good. French fries and a veggie burger with a bun like a hamburger is always tasty. Or stir fried veggies with soy sauce. hope i helped.
  19. M

    name that fits my pet mouse?

    yesterday i saved a mouse from my cat. She was fixing to eat it, but i got it out of her mouth. I have one other mouse that i caught from in our pantry. This one is a girl i need a name that fits how i got her.. The other mouse's name is cheerio because i caught her by feeding her cheerio's. So...
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    wtf? santa cant say ho or be fat anymore.

    I'm aware...but what does Christmas celebrate? Edit: I'm from Bitburg, but born in Rinteln. You?