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  1. B

    What is it with girls and cats?

    I'm not sure actually, now that you mention it.... I have a video, but you can't make out much from it. lmao! Rabbits can grow very big, but the ones we have are dwarf lop eared so are small
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    Gun Control

    But why would you ever need to carry an assault rifle? We are not at war or under constant terrorist attack like Israel. If you have no reason to carry and no benefit, you wouldn't carry it. Thus the only reasons are to either use it, self defense (an automatic machine? yeah right), or want...
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    A question for guys

    A! Luckily my GF is good in both areas. But I like big buttz..
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    Ladies: Most Attractive Physique? [Pics & Vote]

    Ladies: Most Attractive Physique? [Pics & Vote] 4. :teeth:
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    Would you fight Kimbo Slice for 60 seconds in order to get..

    i cAN TAke a me i would last 60 seconds with kimbo. i know how ba he is but if u fight smart and duck and doge with just a couple of hits then ur good. im not saying that i could beat him-theres no way in hell i could but i would def be able to take 60 seconds of kimbo
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    Trousers at half mast

    There's a downside I hadn't considered. Pants at half-mast = Invitation for atomic wedgie.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Stephen Hall It's only flat on the bottom you should be alright. 5 hours ago · Like Jam Deejay hahahahahaah im sorry but that ^^^^ is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. how can a tyre only be flat on one side?? its only flat at the bottom cos there is no air in the tyre so the weight of...
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    Lets Play A game...

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    World marks Auschwitz liberation

    that and he went to germany.
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    ST help me. Ppl keep saying shit about my feet

    18's? Holy crap. Do you play any sports?
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    I am so terribly sorry for you. I can empathize having lost a daughter. Vent away as much as you want. I am offering hugs of support from far away. There isn't anything anyone can say that will make you feel better other than we are here for you.
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    The Weather Thread

    Don't listen to Hiroji, they grow coconut palms in Leeds these days.
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    grammar nazi party

    @ finite monkey uraken - YouTube
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    This is totally unacceptable treatment of animals

    To add to what Slip posted about other problems: 15 year old Afghan bride tortured after refusing to become a prostitute. Can't really expect a lot of animal compassion when this type of stuff goes on. *...
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    Google Image Wars v. 8362348246

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    2012 olympic mascots

    I'm surprised to hear that. To me, they are lacking in character and personality. As soon as I look away from the picture, I've forgotten what they look like.
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    UK Mobile Phone Scam

    Cheers for that Richie. I personally tend not to return missed calls anyway, mainly because I'm tight Has anyone had the scam where your landline rings, and a automated voice kicks in and says "You've won a holiday/car/new house etc.. press 0 to claim it", then puts you through to a premium...
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    yo yo sup homie what's crackin
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    reverse psyicology

    Does he pay out to "adults"? - as I'm skint and it's easier money than the present job....
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    Russia is Crazy

    Some of them dont really translate i.e. direct translation would make no sense, plus Russian humour does not translate well to English. 1st pic: does not make any sense in English.. not very funny in Russian either. 2nd pic: "at this sort of hight, I can run across a planes path". 3rd pic...