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  1. F

    most embarasing thing you did infront of your girlfriends parents?

    took a leak in the corner of her parents gas tank in a mcdonald's parking lot - while 3-4 people watched.
  2. F

    wtf. internets

  3. F

    Hope for America

    I note that you say that's how REpublics work but we are a Democracy similar and yet still diffrent from a Republic and everyone on this form (not directing this at you Cold) loves emantics and technicalities so I thought I just had to point this out. Also being a "psycho conspiracy theorsit"...
  4. F

    So fucking hot...

    93 in eugene
  5. F

    Word Disassociation

  6. F

    Ryhme Thread

    well on his quote KIA seemed to have self-censored, and no i don't have swear filter on
  7. F

    6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

    I'll give that a try.... Kiernan O'brien was in Virtual Sexuality with Laura Fraser Laura Fraser was in Casanova with Peter P'Toole Peter O'Toole who was in Lawrence of Arabia with Jack Hawkins who was in Kidnapped with Donald Pleasence who was in Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis who was in...
  8. F

    Just too kewl to not share.

    thats some awesome stuff
  9. F

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    Obvious troll is obvious.* Get it right :P
  10. F

    What are some interesting topics to write about?

    The media and its effect on people I don't know, it just came to me randomly so...
  11. F

    Sad day in Omaha

    Imagine if your family members were killed, would you be laughing?
  12. F

    good god st i found some stuff out

    The fuck its not. Its me fucker. Ask me anything.
  13. F

    I need negative names to call cigarettes?

    Easy...................... Hitler Sticks lol
  14. F

    Wild accussation

    Fish of Doom ate all the pies.
  15. F

    so who here likes whiskey

    Hate it
  16. F

    The English Perspective on Scottish Independence and the End of the Union.

    Seriously? You're going to use those three splits as evidence in favour of Scottish independence? They're some of the most unstable nations in the northern hemisphere.
  17. F

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically")

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically") What documentary was that? You aren't helping us out too much with ambiguous info like that. Umm...I don't even know what to say to that. Japan has never been communist. They had an emperor during the war! That's not communism, it's a monarchy. I...
  18. F

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically")

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically") Oops, there we go again, getting a little rough guys. Try to be more pleasant please and not kill each other.
  19. F

    If a woman wanted to be a man,

    oh dear!! Why do people still think being butchered by a surgeon means you can fully change your sex?? Interesting question for you... is a post op transexual have any legal obligation to let a new partner know if they havent worked it out for themselves???
  20. F

    Final week before the big W...

    I'm barrelling into my final weekend of unmarried life and you know what? I'm really looking forward to getting married. Once upon a time I wasn't a huge fan of getting married - why should I need a piece of paper and some circular metal to prove my love? However, I want it all. I only wish...