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  1. C

    Best job for a high school student?

    My thoughts exactly.
  2. C

    Pokemon Red or Blue?

    I think we can all agree, yellow sucked. oh, and red ftw.
  3. C

    Who are you voting for?

  4. C

    Oh... joy!! Paris Hilton gets 45 days inside

    Hilarious, peed myself when I read this before on BBC. Her mum claimed that the judge was being unfair and singling her out because she is who she is (which is WHO by the way? She is a talentless nobody!). This is despite the fact that she had a signed contract in her glove compartment saying...
  5. C

    Guess who I met?

    I met christian aka the punisher once...never again
  6. C

    Guess the Appearance

    5'7 Dark hair and eyes Arms like a gorilla and the back hair to match (Poor Su Lin posted before me. )
  7. C

    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    its ok for the US to torture and kill? Extraordinary rendition (or torture by proxy[2]) is an American extra-judicial procedure which involves the sending of untried criminal suspects, suspected terrorists or alleged supporters of groups which the US...
  8. C

    Intense math question

    In room 101 is it.
  9. C

    If you found out You had cancer

    I woud do everything I ever wanted to do and probbly never sleep because that would be wasting time
  10. C

    When you were young... Did you ever Actually pull a Charizard out of a pack?

    my friend got a charzard the very first pack he got
  11. C

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    I'm not stupid enough to ride on it...local guys picked it up yesterday to work on it, they'll sort it out. I was right, the bearings have gone, there's some damage to the drum from where we got it onto the recovery truck, but he already has a couple of full rear wheels about, apparently 3...
  12. C

    Fall semester 08 schedule

    I don't know what order, but: IB Spanish V IB American History AP English IV AP Calculus AB Biotechnology Off Period - 7th Off Period - 8th :tup:
  13. C

    The Trolling Thread

    Me and Slipthejab are having a cyber sexual fling…how do I tell my real boyfriend without hurting his feelings?
  14. C

    Hillary nutcracker

    Yes he did invade two countries but when are you seriously saying that Afghanistan wasn't harboring terrorist?? I do not believe that we should have went after Sadam. Do we just let the people who attack us go for free? Is that really what we do. Just say, " Man that sucks that innocent people...
  15. C

    Pain + Time =

    Yep, someone falling over, a comedy staple - you can't beat it. This one makes me chuckle Just the sheer indifference of the guys co-presenter at the end. Hilarious.
  16. C

    This ones for Slipthejab!

    You should see the screensaver on his phone Sonny
  17. C

    What the heck...aquitted?

    Yup, Penis envy can drive a woman over the edge. PL
  18. C

    What do we think of this?

    Nope. I've managed that by the cunningly simple plan of avoiding addictive substances. It's one of my golden rules of life that's helped me through the years.
  19. C

    Batle Royal V.3- Root Beer

    Root beer sucks, why don't you just do soda or something?
  20. C

    Worst places to live in the UK 2007

    I don't suck on any part of homosexuals, thank you very much! Man I think I'm the only American on this thread, so let me be the first to say: I love America.