Search results

  1. C

    djing add it,, not me though
  2. C

    UK Police - procedures for search of a female

    LOL! I am not an expert per se - just experienced! The problem is that a lot DON'T adopt the reciprocal approach. They are no heavy handed, but do miss out on golden opportunities for information and in some cases confessions. Where the U.K. system fails is in punishing offenders AFTER they...
  3. C

    It’s hot!

    It’s hot! It’s that time of the year in the southern U.S. What we call the dog days. Today is going to be 97F/36C with an 110F/43C heat index. The humidity is 70 percent. Checking the weather it is going to be worse tomorrow. There is a heat advisory for the rest of the week. What’s it like...
  4. C

    What does your username mean?

    Ive just used it since I was 11 IDK why
  5. C

    Hallmark Ad?

    What the fuck are you talking about?
  6. C

    The American Infallibility Complex

    Sorry if I was unclear. I wasn't trying to suggest that you thought that it was a simple situation. I was actually agreeing with what you said, just adding my own two penn'orth.
  7. C

    Pro bodybuilders!!!

    arnold's on steroids?
  8. C


    Burger King of course! You just cant beat that flame-broiled taste. Try a double cheeseburger now for just a buck! (30% larger than a mcdonalds double cheeseburger!). MMMM MMMMM BITCH!
  9. C

    this hurts.

    I liked him that was cause he seemed different he also stood me up when i tried to hang out with him. then said he was sorry, blamed it on his personal problems,, then stood me up again later. it happened more than once. I didnt ask him to hang out anymore after that, but I still kept him on fb...
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    Evolution: The MAP Discussion

    But you can make the concept of God obsolete by reaching a state of knowledge where it has no explanatory power. I would say we're not too far away from that already. Evolution (in the Darwinian sense) doesn't address issues of physics. Remember, the purpose of evolution isn't to disprove...
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    KickChick, what was the thread called? Sorry for all of you who suffered from bullies. I got bullied when I was real young. Only since it was only verbal I never took it seriously. But I always remember this one kid who would come up to me and talk mess and call me names, totally unprovoked...
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    Shall I open my A-level results on TSR...

    You will! :hugs::) :D There better be pakoras in the vid! :dry:
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    Noddy Degrees?

    its a soft subject, put it alongside engineering, accountancy or biochemistry yeah sure your set up in a good job with a good salary but is your job anything to do with your degree?
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    best milk

    Cambodian Breast Milk. It's the best in the world
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    Did anyone watch Ghost Hunting with I'm a celebrity?

    oh yes i watched that also i saw it with girls aloud there one was pretty freeky!
  16. C

    Did anyone watch Ghost Hunting with I'm a celebrity?

    oh yes i watched that also i saw it with girls aloud there one was pretty freeky!
  17. C

    holiday booking web sites?

    Im going to south dakota in the U.S in summer but its not a common place obviously so i cant book it through common travel bucket and spade sites i can only seem to find it on but i want few more sites to compare prices does anyone no any sites that you can book flights to nearlly...