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  1. H

    If your wife won't have sex is that grounds for divorce?

    My brother; do you romance her or try to give her fore play before you start or do you just try to jump on her and hump? Make her feel you. Run her bath. Massage her feet and/or shoulders then let her go to sleep feeling the tenderness. When you go to work let her wake up to a rose on the pillow...
  2. H

    Out of this list of famous shows which in your opinion was the most overrated?

    Seinfield. The show was about nothing. And yes, Sex in the City is a bit trashy, at least it was about something. Friends, well, sorry hun, but I loved that show!!!!!!! Wanna fight now? LOL LOL LOL
  3. H

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner?

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner? Obviously not rape, but it is according to feminists' ever-expanding definition of rape. This was included in a proposed amendment bill in Australia that also defines which other acts...
  4. H

    Should I reply or IGNORE him?

    If your looking for a mature relationship, and someone that is not going to take advantage of you. let him hang. He let you know how he feels, so I say goodbye to him. Look for someone you deserve and who deserves you.
  5. H

    Girls Sex Or Chocolate?

    Depends on who the sex is with and the type of chocolate. Today... sex I think. I already feel like I've eaten my body weight in chocolate today.
  6. H

    Girls Sex Or Chocolate?

    chocolate lol
  7. H

    Spotting? Pregnant? Help!?

    I started spotting on 03/25. My last AF was 03/07/08-03/11/08. I have been spotting on and off since then. My cycle is 28 days so I have a couple of days until next AF. I am just wondering why I would start spotting. I usually spot one day prior to AF so I have been waiting but nothing yet. I...
  8. H

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    Ryder James Morrow is a very nice name....
  9. H

    True or False? Sex is a big part of a healthy adult relationship?

    TRUEi think in an adult relationship sex plays a big role. its something you can share with your special someone. a bond no one else can touch. its a way to make each other feel good... no interruptions. just you and that person. its the one thing you can truly share that no one else can...
  10. H

    Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    HELL NO! U gotta be kiddin....right???I will have been married for a year this Sept. and there ain't been no slowing of any kind so far. Maybe even a increase if anything.
  11. H

    Sex and testosterone?

    Uh.....................................................yes? No? IDK!!! That was odd!
  12. H

    Did you find out the sex of your baby before birth? Why and why not?

    I was very excited to find out before.... but now... i dunno if wanna know! I mean, i dont believe in that Blue for boys, pink for girls crap anyway. (Im not putting my daughter in pink, i hate pink and i Will put my daughter in blue, because blue is a great color). They have so many colors...
  13. H

    Travelling for work?

    My dad travels a lot for his work. He is here in the US for 2 weeks and in Asia for 2 weeks. it has been like this for about 5-6 months now and I was wondering if there are any laws/rights that say he can only travel a limited time or anything. Poor guy is getting tired of going back and forth...