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    Men VS Women

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    What is it with girls and cats?

    They would be Alex if they actually existed.
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    Remembered STers...

    OCCE, Tiny, Snoller
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    Prince Harry in Iraq...or not

    aww.... did you panties get knotted? Too bad... reach back and dig them out. 1) the average Iraqi insurgent couldn't tell your old man from Prince Charles or for that matter from Adam. 2) Harry is being held above the average soldier - or have you not understood anything posted in this thread...
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    Australian Viewpoint

    Nicely put. Mitch
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    Nothing says "I love you" more than......

    Nothing says "I love you" more than...... adouglas, Is that Phil in the picture?
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    Israel - Palestine (Again)

    Ill be bulldozing it like the Isralei gov't did to vacates Jewish settlements in Gaza. Of course I am moving to the West Bank to help claim it for Israel.
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    Working labor laws

    Just don't join the Army. Today we got tanks back from the paint shop and I got a little high in them. GP
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    Cereal with marshmallows

    Yep, Grape Nuts and Cheerios. Perfection cannot be improved.
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    How many mods have you seen in person?

    More than I can remember. Tony Kyle Ed TargetIndy ssTruckguy ActionJunkie Epoch DaveEllis Kai Harbinger Tigress Manike Penguinman ebolacola Smeek dager Lurker Warparty Madpooh jtx2003 jjdustr calvman And many more I'm forgetting. I've also seen Andy's cock.
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    Thinking of joining the Marines

    I was just assuming based on username...but people choose usernames for all sorts of reasons so I didn't know for sure. But thanks for double-checking!
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    250$ what to get?

    I just got me one of these.
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    Michael Phelps

    michael phelps is michael phelps.
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    The winners are...

    i demand pm
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    Feelin Good

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    Hey ST!!!

    well when my sister gets out of her class were going to the headshop down the street so i can get a bong, bowl, and papers. then were gunna find some weed hopefully. and around 5 were going to some place near here with alot of people to drink. should be a good time
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    FAO Frodo

    I love the Eagles because they look like proper practical, workaday machines, designed to be workhorses and tools, not to look good. You can imagine a ship like that operating on the moon in 50 years time. Mitch
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    Humiliation: A story about a boy, a girl, and a boxer brief full of poop.

    That's where the kinda... its really not but oh well i don't care. I was just trying to make conversation so that it wasn't rude when I asked him if he got any
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    I never thought this could happen.

    this kid has 4 ASM accounts. your pathetic.