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  1. D

    Hey small talk,

    Hey small talk, The best thing ever is knowing that I don't need an education to be a success, all I need to know is my place in the kitchen. The best thing ever is holding up Frank's crisp shirt against my rosy cheeks after an ironing session. The best thing ever is seeing my kids play...
  2. D

    I win?

    no matter what, you fail harder then a certain nationer who fucked his own cousin, and you also fail harder then a certain pimp on a boat
  3. D

    What are you better at than anyone else on ST?

    Probably remembering lyrics to songs. I have terrible memory but something about music makes me remember the words perfectly. I'll see a commercial once and I'll be able to recite it the next time it's on. For example, the free credit report dot com ones.
  4. D

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Anti-Israeli does not in any way equate to anti-semitic. The Palestinians dont hate the Israelis for being Jewish, they hate them for treating them as a second class race in a country they consider to be theirs.
  5. D

    what forum member do you like the most?

    Alot of good of my personal favourites was Walrus but he's been gone awhile
  6. D

    Pulled Over; How to Tell Parents?

    shens. bullshit shens.
  7. D

    Six degrees of seperation

    My boss went to school with Rowland Rivron, who for 18 months played drums for Jules Holland's rhythm and blues orchestra.
  8. D

    The MAP standard

    If you click the rightward facing arrow next to the most recent poster's name, it'll take you to the last page.
  9. D

    Men vs. Women in Sports

    I'm in 100% agreement with you in terms of viewership. No argument there. We just disagree on the following: "The obvious anatomical difference have played a huge part in the choices of sports for females". I think societal bias against female athletes, not the female athletes' anatomic...
  10. D

    ST: I bring you the most epic sammich ever.(56k, GTFO)

    So many haters.. 9/10
  11. D

    My mum keeps asking about the tissues in my bin...

    Ask her if she'd like to see a demonstration on how the tissues get used and put in the bin?
  12. D

    "In my personal opinion"

    "In my personal opinion" Yeh, but here your actually ADDING a word, in those examples its just mixing stuff up cos your typing fast innti.
  13. D

    Self respect for sale

    Wow! NIMBY rears it's ugly head.
  14. D

    Are Jaffa cakes cake, or biscuits?

    no. and ok, have fun. :moon:
  15. D

    Film suggestions

    I have joined an online DVD rental firm and am looking for movie titles to rent.. No spoilers please ..just a title and a genre would be helpful IE Enter the dragon ===martial arts . Might be a good info thread for people who have missed a good flic thru the years .. regards Smurf
  16. D

    What computer for graduation present?

    def. and if you'd like to show up your friends at a party by seeing hu's laptop will fit in a manila envelope you would def. be the coolest one there. think about it, buying that makes you instantly cool'er
  17. D

    Is global warming real?

    The best answer I could give is look at the history of the earth. It has gone through ice ages and global warming without humans and with humans. I would take it with a grain of salt. To me it is just some scientist trying to make a name for himself.
  18. D

    Internet problem with laptop.?

    Check the network settings, ethernet might be disabled.