Search results

  1. E

    The Confession Thread

    I have spent way to much money on my new car since getting it. I think I'm in love
  2. E

    Llama Llama

    That you?
  3. E

    Furby - what one do/did you have...

    a broken one
  4. E

    Dragons, were they real animals?

    Umm...what? Those statues that 'look like big dogs' are not dragons.
  5. E


    i used to search for mpstly ballet stuff...when i did ballet, but now i like searching for martial arts and especially breaks
  6. E

    Space Exploration Possiblities

    Are you kidding me?
  7. E

    Can I download apps on my blackberry?

    I believe so because I kno 4 a fact that the blackberry torch can dwnld apps
  8. E

    summer school

    this post in completely irrelvant
  9. E

    In Search of Higgs Boson

    I should have said IPA, not Pale Ale. A good IPA is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Well, at least for the few minutes it takes to neck a pint. Plus it's usually strong and properly made, not like lager nonsense. Mitch
  10. E

    A testicular problem.

    Grab your deoderant can and spray. Not only will it shrink your "problem", it will most likely prevent a reoccurance. Or you can just get over it. Most men have balls - I expect you've got them. Just have a conversation with the guys, maybe get your balls out too. Are you sure this wasn't...
  11. E

    Sad ecological news

    For Humans to conceive of, design and build the dams that they do, and in deed for humans to have a culture, is all part of evolution. Therefore dams built by humans are natural, in the way that anything that Humans do is natural for waht humans do. Evolution has taken us to the point where we...
  12. E

    What computer for graduation present?

    Ah, so macs are for idiots. It all makes sense now. And believe me, nobody is going to exploit my machine. I don't even run anti-virus software..
  13. E

    how do you clean up after the dirty dirty?

    So it has nothing to do with da pooper?
  14. E

    Mah phone

    I made Affliction stuff for my phone.
  15. E

    Do you think this would be a good way to let people know Im gay without

    REALLY telling them? Well on facebook, theres a thing on your info page that says "interests women, men. Right now it says women. But if i change it to men do you think anybody will notice? im a man by the way. lol
  16. E

    New Immigration Law/Protesters

    570,000 estimated last june our population is 60,441,457, remember we also have an open border to EU citizens and a policy to accept genuine refugees so we have plenty of legal imigrants too who are often willing to do menial jobs to get on...