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    Trip With My Dad...Where To?

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    Do you recognize the user above you?

    not even a little bit
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    Latest Plane to hit High Rise in NYC

    Well obviously you can't blame eyewitnesses on the scene or the tenants in the building for thinking that ...seeing a plane crashing into this high rise-- last it happened was 9/11 It was a totally frightening & unusual experience (9/11) and one that is still fresh in the minds of many NY'ers...
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    your 1st fappage session v3?

    My Dad got me a playboy when I was in the 4th grade, probably to ensure I turned out straight, I think I remember jerking it but not finishing haha.
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    DODGY on the phone????
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    i left my shower loofah thingy at the gym on Monday, only noticed when packing my bag for Judo last night.... sooooo annoyed
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    Population of ST?

    the pregnant comment looks like trolling. at least the way this place has been modded in more recent times. especially cause p8ntgurl has been pregnant, fur times. i dont know, i guess preggers is one of my buttons.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I think you should
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    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    im jealous of floridas alligators. but at least we can break off and join hawaii. bring on the 9.0!!!
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    More Basingstoke type help plz

    Ok. This time it was my brother who said that he read in the paper that the discovery channel was going to do a program on a martial arts class in Basingstoke. He only mentioned this to me once we'd thrown the paper it was in away though. So, does anyone know anything about this? Basingstoke...
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    make me \/ lol
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    Bunny Murder!

    I had a dream about rabbits last night. I didn't kill them though. There were just loads of rabbits.
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    The recent royal marriage, a question for Brits and non-brits alike.

    i myself wasnt intrested in the wedding. an absolute bore fest if you ask me. infact i worked that day to get away from it lol
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    bush should be president for life

    [No message]
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    I quit smoking.

    Of course not... That was punishment for something else stupid I did...
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    Favourite Gifs

    Spelled it wrong. If your going to do this you might as well do it right...
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    How to find the future value of:?

    FV = PV (1+i)^t FV = 12,000 (1+.12)^6 Just set it up like that. Use order of operations to solve for FV. If interest is being compounded monthly instead of annually, multiply years by 12 (months) to use as "t".
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    WHich is cheaper to drive. Toyota echo or toyota corolla.?

    Octane is right- Echo is now Yaris. It gets slightly better mpg than the Corolla but it a very small car, keep in mind. Corolla is being offered 1,000 cash back and starts at 15000, Yaris is not being incentivised currently but starts around 12,000, if you wanted to buy new.
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    Which is cheaper toyota corolla or toyota echo? ?

    They don't sell the Echo anymore, it's been replaced with the Yaris. The Yaris is both cheaper and slightly better on gas. Corolla stars slightly over 15,000 and Yaris around 12,000. I don't know the Yaris' mpg exactly but it's only slightly better than the Corolla. I do know that the...