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  1. L

    How many PMs can I get in a Day

    eat shit & die /thread
  2. L

    What the hell?!?!

    WTF?!?!?! That's just weird.
  3. L

    Monsters vs Ghosts

    I'd give the ghosts a good talkin through
  4. L

    So my job is boring.

    have you ever noticed that an asian's face is so fatty it looks like it should be on a person that weighs 450lbs?
  5. L

    Word Disassociation

  6. L

    parents and non parents.

    It all goes on 40 anyway (except bedding, that gets 60 )
  7. L

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays The possibility of other gods is removed elsewhere the Old Testament in very plain unequivocal language. The writers assert bluntly and plainly that there is but one God in all the universe. That God of course is Yahweh, the God of Moses. But yes, the Old...
  8. L

    Breast feeding makes women aggressive

    Well, I mean to a certain extent you have to be pragmatic about it, it IS harder for men to breast feed There are solutions like expressing and storing milk, although as I understand it some women find the process painful so I'd imagine it to be a personal choice thing. You also have to allow...
  9. L

    Weekly Sketch Thread - instructional and reference

    This is an awesome thread. I have always craved the ability to draw, yet I struggle even writing my own name with out it looking like a child has grabbed a pen and swirled it around on the page. These should hopefully be a good starting point for me. Thanks to everyone who has posted here
  10. L

    epic dress is epic

    sorry fish but steve buscemi's face on a dress is far more epic.
  11. L

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    A picture of Lily!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all those who were curious
  12. L

    ST: I bring you the most epic sammich ever.(56k, GTFO)

    I've seen better. And for the love of god I hope a woman made that. This is the reason women venture into the world, have affairs, drive cars, etc., they aren't busy making sammiches.
  13. L

    This is why I'm hot

    You're a joke, You’re broke, You're gonna freakin' choke, I's spoke, I'm so hot, I'm cool Tight ice cube, You hear me fool? I'offtopic school, With my unquestioned rule, And let me lay it, Not just say it, And emphasise it a bit, More so in my big-up spit, That there is no debate, That my...
  14. L

    Profile changes

    Don't know what happened, but decided to check my profile to see if I was still me and my birthdate was changed. Might it have to do with the server problems? If so, everyone might want to recheck their profiles. When I click on profile from a thread it shows my birthdate as one thing, and when...
  15. L

    What channel on directv is "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" on?

    i am tired of trying to find the episodes on my laptop, i want to watch them on tv now, but i can't find any answers on Google or anything? any help?
  16. L

    What do you all think of this video and the wonders of our future? kind of long, but definitely interesting!!
  17. L

    How much would it cost to get an iphone?

    $399 Is The Cheapest For The Newest One In 3g. Also, The Activation Fee Is $200.
  18. L

    What do you think of girls who are involved in a Fwb relationship?

    What do you think? would you ever get involved in such a dishonest relationship?
  19. L

    What do you think of Iran?

    thats how it is with a whole bunch of peoples, take the chinese for instance, have the wierdest "oppression" (more like wierd laws) but many of them are really chill, the governments in all the world where it isnt a real democracy doesnt even vaguely represent the people a list of places where...