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  1. W

    Ill Song!

    enjoy the seizure you liar!
  2. W

    Eating Meat?

    I eat more white than red. And any red I usually burn to make sure it's done don't want any blood on my plate, yuck. Flesh is also good for a nibble, I'm with narc there
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    Peeing in the shower. Acceptable?

    Yes, as long as you rinse the shower.
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    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    *fear* Mitch
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    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    I was pretty happy with the VTR, it has done about 45000 klm but feels just as good as another I rode that has only 13000 klm on it. I put a deposit on it and will pick it up Friday. It is basically standard but with the baffles removed from the mufflers, it sounds nice without being as ear...
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    Newfoundland accent dialect hehe the accent - YouTube yes we speak english funny hehehehehe
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    Pickens Plan.

    get that piece of shit out of here
  8. W

    Asteroid May Hit Earth in 2036

    Ill make sure i kill myself before it hits thanks for the update yea:dodgy:
  9. W

    WOW! great ass!

    I knew it would be a picture of a donkey...
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    Given the amount of hunger in the world does the god Budda set a bad

    Well the Buddha was neither a god nor was he obese. Buddhist do not worship the Buddha but follow his teachings. You refer to Hotei, who is regarded as a buddha; he is a Chinese god. The term 'buddha" means "awakened one" or "enlightened one". Anyone has the potential to be a buddha.
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    Is there any significance as to why I was fine without religion as an

    The Buddha taught a couple of things that might help you. He taught to walk the middle path, because either extreme causes one to have a closed mind to the other side. He also taught to find your own answers, to challenge what you are taught, and draw your own conclusions based on logic and...
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    2/10 - That leg looks funny to me... 8/10 - I like it! And Comaboy... Who's arse is that? I like curvy girls.
  13. W

    Do you all Agree that Judaism is superior than most religion?

    I believe that it is rich in tradition and culture, history, and its means of worship but no religion is superior to any others as far as validity. But as far as culture and tradition, yes, it is one of the more interesting ones, but the older ones usually are. Hinduism I think is more...
  14. W

    Does God feel sad when he hears the screams of the atheists when they die and...

    If he did, then why let it happen? He is supposed to be merciful and loving, and eternal suffering in some lake of fire isn't congruent with that.
  15. W

    Is something wrong, when hollywood Will not depict an animal being hurt but...

    ffft. I want to know why full frontal female nudity only warrants an R rating, while full frontal male nudity requires an NC-17.
  16. W

    Isn't it truly disgusting that some people will rant against human abortion, but...

    Or that they are willing to kill or allow the killing of other human beings either actively or by their inaction.