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  1. S

    If you knock on a sound-proof door...

    Are you fucking retarded?
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    if you were to commit suicide

    Hold A Bank Robbery With A Rifle!!!!11 Suicide By Cop!!!!!!!!!!
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    Pit Bulls

    I'm looking for good information on how to raise these animals. I'll be moving to a house with a yard soon, hopefully, and one thing I want to get is a dog. I like pit bulls. They are great looking dogs and they appeal to me. But, like any responsible person I'm well aware that this type of...
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    I win @ dinner *pics*

    The bread does not complement the softness nor the crunchy-ness of the salmon and the asparagus's. I give you a 2 for effort.
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    Obama has the greatest singing voice EVER!!!

    Well Rick Roll would be false advertising.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    It has that effect on me to! I like drinking water during and post exercise, but the rest of the time I prefer other drinks - tea (of all varieties) being the favourite. Brad was very hot in Fight Club. However, he wouldn't make the top of my favourites list. That being said he wouldn't get...
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    Method of Death

    firing sqad, i've always wanted to get shot
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    Blog sites for Martial Artist?

    what would be the difference between your site and MAP? There seem to be stacks of MA forums/blogs all over the shop these days, joining all the other social activities blogs about.
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    Immigration UK

    Out of interest can any of our non-indigenous Uk MAP members speak both Polish and Ukrainian? Or worldwide for that interest.
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    What the heck kind of sports do you play in the UK?

    Sounds healthier than that other classic British pasttime, cheese rolling. It still ain't "bullrun" though is it I want the UK to adopt that annual festival, I forget where it takes place, Italy or something, where for one day a year, everyone fights everyone It'd be nice to only have that...
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    Three Word Story

    annoying close friend..........
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    Hey, it's Sarge! How're you going fella, well I hope? MItch
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    astral projection

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    A brave man

    I totaly agree with you I feel sorry for his kids.
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    Epic Elevator Lulz

    HAHAHAHA old people suck
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    Dominos HaxzORz

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    Look at me!

    Like you have to try to get anyone's attention
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    Am I A Bad Person?

    honesty is best if ur in a serious relationship i guess.
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    Am I A Bad Person?

    honesty is best if ur in a serious relationship i guess.