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  1. N

    Dude i just caught these in my backyard.....

    And not with each other. take matters into your own hands!! :ugh: Maybe not.
  2. N

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
  3. N

    Sex offender poses as 12 year old boy

    I'm confused, a 29 year old man posed as a 12 year old person. Was this a school for the blind?
  4. N

    Dangerous Dog Act

    A pit is a great pet for a calm experienced dog owner with no kids who lives in the sticks or semi rural and has time to spend on it, it is a rotten pet for an agressive little ratbag with no sense of responsibility who lives on an estate hoaching with kids and winds it up.
  5. N

    moon landing

    So wait wait wait... lemme get this straight... I want to clarify what it is some of you are saying...Man went to the moon with a computer whose processing technology barely equaled your average desktop calculator and primitive rocket technology.. and yet we have these badass supercomputers and...
  6. N

    Amateur Photography

    LOL! Painters were saying the same to film photographers 100 years ago - get off yer duff and paint the scene rather than just clicking a shutter and letting the camera do it all for you Thanks mate I guess the film/digital war will rage on LOL! It's ALL good
  7. N

    flipping your high beams

    ... Ever looked at that little black box type thing on top of street lights? Cops/amublences/firetrucks have the ability to turn them on/off as they please. My dad is a cop, so I know my stuff. :)
  8. N

    Favorite Comedian

    Kyle Cease ------ by far the best Kyle Dunnigan ------ Amazing as well
  9. N

    For the Lads!

    Howay The Lads!!!
  10. N

    parents and non parents.

    Its easy to too look at things black and white gambit. From my perspective, my neighbors have brought me nothing but misery and complaining (they complained about the most silly of things and caused me stress when they didnt need to) My parrots have brought me nothing but joy and happiness. I...
  11. N

    Abortion is Wrong

    Southpaw, I kind of agree with you but since the woman is the host for the potential new human being the final choice is hers as whether or not she chooses to be the host. Pregnancies can be life threatening for the mother and lead to other serious complications. Not saying the man was a...
  12. N

    Skate Boarding is good for the legs :P

    lol..hmm never thought of that...heh when i get my skillz back i'll try handstanding on the board for a full body workout really....
  13. N


    I've been known as Grego. (yeah, real creative innit?) Also as Little Greg in school... And recently 'OC', since that show started here... some people believe I hold some resemblance to one of the characters... Ryan is his name, I think?
  14. N

    ITT: We Compliment The Poster Above Us

    Is a wondeful poster.
  15. N

    Will people respond to anything?

    Some of my threads have made far less sense and have had far more responses... often nothing more than long winded wind ups for whoever is willing to bite... thus proving that people will respond to damn near anything.
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    sexual harassment paaaaanddddaa
  17. N

    grammar nazi party

    Thanks Mitch for correcting my foul language.
  18. N

    I hate my generation.

    i have to agree, my generation is a total piece of shit.
  19. N

    psychic...give me some general predictions?

    born on july 14th 1992 can you please give me a general overview of whats coming up for me in the near future in terms of school, lovelife, anything important...please only serious answers dont make things up..things have been really difficult and rough lately.
  20. N

    funny stories?

    I want to post some funny stories on my website: here's three of mine: (viewer discretion advised. Just playing!) 1.I was sleeping, appearantly i ate too much food! so i went to sleep too quick my stomach was hurting but i fell asleep anyways! My sister was...