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  1. C

    The possibilities TLDR: researchers make invisibility cloak so you can suprise buttsex better
  2. C

    sad news

    Sorry to hear that. Just remember that he loves you always. He IS your father right, so nothing can ever take that away from you.
  3. C

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    And how exactly is a US military presence on the border going to prevent Hezbollah incursions without getting into combat?
  4. C

    14k solid white gold chain necklace 24.99$: shens?

    The 14K does stand for 14 Kilos it stands for 14 karat:rolleyes: :idea:
  5. C

    whats the weirdest place youve had sex?

    in my fridge with the ham........i slapped it hard
  6. C

    Take the kids to the zoo China

    This ones dying a cold lonely death........
  7. C

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Victoria for being a tomato disguised as a banana!
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    Scarlet just because he is there.
  9. C

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" There is a saying in Al-anon that really applies here. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
  10. C

    Favorite foods

    How about....
  11. C

    woman in ireland refused necessary medical abortion and dies

    hey cool my thread turning into a debate. I debates. my thoughts on abortion is that the human if you wanna call a fetus a human being be my guest - its inside a woman's body and a woman never shoould stop having control of her body no matter how stupid we think she acted. If she...
  12. C

    i lol at this going to hell

    hold one nobel prize is being pay palled to j00
  13. C

    Miley Cyrus

    Now advertises penar gummies. LOL
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    To the americans

    I'm pretty sure that was a foul!
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    MAP Superlatives

    Arctic Assasin? Is that why you are coming to Winnipeg?
  16. C

    Coffee vs. Energy Drinks

    Definatly coffee. The coffee gaff next to my office is one of the best in Sydney. I usually stick to 2 or 3 throughout the day because otherwise I get cocaine style paranoia. Tea is my favourite though.
  17. C

    What gives you the creeps?

    The sound of ripping/pulling on sellotape makes my front teeth numb...can't stand it! Facial hair on women I find very hard to ignore.
  18. C

    Police Brutality????

    I find it funny that a trained professional turned stopping a school girl for crossing the road in the wrong place (is that even a crime in the UK, other than on Motorways) into a near riot and being covered on TV, and people are still arguing that he handled it well.
  19. C

    Advice re: Supermarket security guard incident

    He was wrong, so he couldn't have been certain.