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  1. W

    Teen Pregnancy

    Sorry to rehash it, but I want no confusion here: FACT 1: People under the age of 18 are STATISTICALLY less responsible than people over the age of 18. I can prove this to anyone who contests it. FACT 2: People who are more responsible are more likely to use birth control. Seems like...
  2. W

    The Confession Thread

    See in an ideal world, or maybe an alternative universe, the snake would have befriended the hamster, see below!It's a hamster eating snake too! I wouldn't admit to your act on the religious threads!
  3. W

    Rolls not Buns!

    Until you find someone with rolls.
  4. W

    i got hiccups

    Tablespoon of sugar
  5. W

    What do you want to be?

    A vampire bat
  6. W

    Lacking self Confidence... a little

    5 out of 10. but looks arent everything
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    The Randomness Thread

    I've done more than a few motorway miles recently and can't help but notice something. Why are there so many Network Rail cars, vans and pick-ups on the motorways? What part of the rail system can't they reach by train? Maybe they just need to get to work on time? Could they be out there to...
  8. W

    Anyone go to Southern Utah University?

    ugh the key didn't work =/ And nah im just visiting here cuz of some funeral and right now my 'rents are at some shakespeare play that i didn't want to see so im sitting outside on the grass and this unsecured network blocks like everything. Also, i enjoy run-on sentences.
  9. W

    1.618 The Most Perfect Number

    You're on the slippery slope to being stalkers. Draw away from Tika. Back to the numbers.(Althoug I admit there is a clear distinction as to the more interesting topic)
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    Frosty Debate

    I agree. :dodgy:
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    Tiger victim drinking, admitted taunting

    IMO, regardless of what this kids have done (and i agree that they deserved it), there should still be some safeguard for the public with this tiger since, if it was a baby crying and triggered an attack from the tiger, would you feel sorry for the tiger?
  12. W

    Nucelar fusion coming soon?

    Yep. We're way off topic now. Move it along please.
  13. W


    I would be overjoyed as I despise my own bad graofftopicr and I hate abuse of the possessive apostrophe However, I would attend parents evening with a very large red pen and make the offending pompous teacher very uncomfortable with psychotic stares, past participles and 3rd perfects. Then...
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    Alcohol and Drugs are destoying our society.

    Agreed, Its not the crutches fault the legs broken.... people are the problem. Show me a place thats not affected and ruined by selfish people.
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    Perfect Height for a Girl?

    5 or 6 inches shorter than me, that way I don't really have to care for my hair or if I go bald she won't notice.
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    Anyone switched from Treo to Iphone?

    I am thinking about switching from Treo 700p (Sprint) to Iphone (AT&T). My bill will be 30 or so dollars more per month. Has anyone switched? Are you glad you did? Did you miss the Treo keyboard with the virtual one? Thanks for any ideas or input.
  17. W

    Will Rev. Wright's rants end up helping Obama?

    Since he was part of the church for 20 years it will always show some issue with his judgement. He took his wife young girls to that church!
  18. W

    Clinton tax returns showed that they made a lots of money out of politics?

    A former president can make a lot by writing books, speaking and probably sitting on corporate boards. I am sure they made some good investments also. It was a good 7 years!