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  1. S

    7 Day Black Belt

    Ebay at its best!
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    Chinese worker suddenly famous

    what is even more weird is that is deemed news worthy..... :/
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    Eating Meat?

    now thats my sort of government
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    Are you my Mr. Darcy?

    Come oooooonnn - more people must do mine and Adshur's quizies as we don't want to revise!
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    42 days to detain terrorists

    If George Bush wanted it then so did Tony............ Let's get Brown's 'victory' into perspective. He pushed the bill through parliament with the DUP......a party that opposed the teaching of evolution in schools(I kid you not!) and describes homosexuality as "repulsive". Oh and he got Ann...
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    Just Curious

    26 if I recall.
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    Police Taser Blind Samurai

    Love that movie!!! The officer did ask him to stop and he didn't... In the U.S. the cops get really pissed when you don't do what they say.
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    End of the World, Etc (Split)

    Roflcopter. This kid is more entertaining than a Tom Clancy book. Seriously, XT, you are a tallented writer. Absolutly hilarious.
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    Wild accussation

    Hannibal hasn't got an interest in serial killers.
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    The west has known for decades that industry and pollution is wrecking the environment. This hasn't stopped us doing very little about it. However, I'm glad to see an increase in the number of renewable energy source initiatives. definitely a plus.
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    To all the lefties out there.......

    I've always hooked around top when writing, so I found the righty desks to be very useful... I put my textbook on the right arm-rest and had much more space than the rightys who used the arm rest to actually rest their arm on. -Mark
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    Attitudes to athority figures

    Nothing is to sacred to be made fun of.
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    Wayne Looney

    Just shows how out of touch with reality he is
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    Poll: Are you sick of the "GCSE's NEEDED FOR OXBRIDGE thread" ?

    forgot to put the poll in !!!!!
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    has st ever

    Just a few weeks ago my friend and I were leaving this one kid's house. Well I was walking home (I like 30 ft from that house) but he was riding a skateboard to his house, so he was going down the driveway in front of me, which had 3 cars in it. We couldn't see the the left half of the street...
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    The Member Depreciation Thread

    You're making me wonder whether you know what 'dislike' means. Are you sure you don't mean that people were, err, "made" to disagree with one another... you can find something to disagree on with anyone, but that doesn't mean you dislike them.
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    Wet Shaving

    It's a complete pain, but unfortunately has to be done. Especially when you get stared at funny by 10 year olds. I'm so glad I found something I can actually use. Get a razor that has the cream inside it and mosturizes as it goes. So easy.
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    The Word Game IV

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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    8/10- is taht fat bastards brother? 3/10- .......ok