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  1. S

    I Got Into Boulder

    I have no comments on the subject of this thread.
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    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    But time does not exist... so time travel is impossible.
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    dumbest excuse you made for not going to school???

    my parents only let me home if i feel sick, and even then its a struggle, so i just pretend to walk to school sometimes and go to a friends house or something
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    Think you got rhythm?

    Crazy rhythm... Soca like you never seen it before.
  5. S

    The Vomit Ray...

    exactly! There's also all the diseases that relate to human waste, and if it gets into an open wound, you really are literally up the proverbial creek with no paddle.
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    well....thats ok..i ride prods dick too. its weird that he became so cool with us just by randomly wanting to play with us.
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    How to Kill Annoying Bird

    better yet strap a bomb to your chest and suicide bomb that bitch
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    Syria-Possible Sarin use

    If it was ever just down to a concern of were aid money ends up, Pakistan would never of received a penny. The involvement of the ISI in many of the West troubles is very well documented. Also Assad is of Alawite belief, which is Shia Islam. Not Sunni, Sunni is the one from which the terrorist...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    if you get here, we should go to ikea and steer a trolley between the two of us just to spite them.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    *wipes Frodo's chin* ... You're always welcome round my house Frodo
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    ST: What are some Frat pledging stories you know?

    yeah im in the kappa kappa kappa :dodgy:
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    Many Injured in Explosions at Boston Marathon

    According to the live feed I'm listening to, 1 man is a Chechen and 1 a Russian. Apparently authorities are comfortable stating these are foreign trained terrorists now. Details still seem a little shaky though...
  13. S

    Messed up leg

    I think 47 is your best bet.
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    Was I abducted by aliens?

    HAHA! This came up, pretty on point.
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    Ufo spotted in wales :D

    Not as funny as the police helicopter that reported a 'UFO' which later turned out to be flying light things from a wedding party... Still though, what kind of idiot wastes police time like that. The moon
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    The Epic Rhode Island Debate

    no one likes you....
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    sperm created from female stem cells

    I have a fantastic counter for this. Only last year I taught a fish how to ride a bicycle. Men everywhere are saved!
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    Luckiest bastard alive!

    Well, you are entitled to your own (wrong) opinion... However, I may have misspoke with my "western hemisphere" quote. I clean forgot about Michelle Rodriguez...
  19. S

    My life in video

    That was...weird...
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    Wisdom passed on by your parents

    Said like a true soldier. Hahahahahaha.