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  1. D

    views on drug users

    This might be controversial, but I think a lot of young people try the milder stuff and grow out of it. I don't think it's that big a deal. The problem as I see it isn't with the milder ones but the really hardcore highly addictive ones. Personally, I'd like to see the milder ones legalised...
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    Ultimate best state V.2, CA vs TX vs NY vs FL

    i was born in socal ive lived in texas(austin and dallas) half my life ive been to new york and ive been to florida i would pick all 4 but my vote goes toooo AUSTRALIA hands down
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    Most popular person in the world?

    Dali Lama! Got to be #1 I could careless about celebrities or musicians! Sorry, I just don't think most of them have any merit other then to their medium.
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    the art of appearing to be working...

    They can't, which is a good thing since I spend half my time doing it swearing under my breath and resisting the urge to walk over, rip their headset off and choke them half to death. Some of the stuff I've heard you wouldn't believe.
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    Iraq poised to hand control of oil fields to foreign firms

    According to the documentary, "The Power Of Nightmares", Al-Qaeda didn't exist until the US created the name and applied it collectively to every tom, dick and harry terrorist/radical Islamic group out there. Loose Change and Loose Change Second Edition are also fairly convincing. If there's...
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    Do you like the person above you?

    Hurricanes are gay. He might be alright, I going go with a tentative no. edit: guy above me, probably not.
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    Sour Patch Watermelon

    fuck all you faggots. watermelon isn't the best flavor.
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    The World Cup

    Brazil are favourites, and Argentina are strong - but South American teams rarely perform well in Europe. Italy look like a good bet to me, if they can find a regular goalscorer. Vieiri's poor finishing let them down in the Euro's, apart from that I thought they looked good. Germany have got...
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    Church of Dodgy

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    Ban the last poster before you post

    for not realizing that it's the job of those older than you to tell you what to do
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    Putting Your Existence Into Perspective...

    Wow, I'm awesome! What was the thread about again?
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    I posted that just for you guys
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    To the americans

    *hold lighter up above head, like you would to a "power-ballad"*
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    Asperger syndrome

    My GF works with someone who has it, my mates youngest son has it, not the end of the world as long as you can work with it and develop strategies.
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    Year In Industry

    hey guys did you hear Michael Jackson died
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    Saw this on soccer am this morning and thought it was brilliant, even if it took a load of takes its still awesome!!! Target football!!
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    June 6th, 1944 The Day of Days

    it was the only good smiley I found on that site.I know that was iwo jima but there no real smileys that rep d-day.
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    Political correctness....

    Has anyone ever noticed that overcautious straight white people are actually more bothered about this than the actual minority groups?
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    Pub Map!

    Sod that thats even bloody further away, I can't walk 5 steps after a night on the tiles let alone to the other side of the bloody world just to find the spinning comfort of me bed.