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  1. M

    ST Insomniacs

    watch some pr0n. play some halo, get high. drink coffee
  2. M

    MAP members you are attracted to

    Don't pretend your not loving this!
  3. M

    How Is Ur Day?

    :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :) ...........:O :rolleyes:
  4. M

    The blatant lies thread

    Su Lin isn't crying now.
  5. M


    Just got a box of Polish Pu Erh tea with lemon - that's nice - best of both worlds.
  6. M

    superman v hulk

    Well I'm 17 and not really into comics (reckon it's too geeky*) - but based on the films I've seen is why I say superman * = No offence to anyone who reads comic books, even if you are 23 years old
  7. M

    World War 3

    Please say your joking.
  8. M

    The BEST thread??

    This made me lol once I realized it was gonna keep looping, and it was hard to notice at first, because i had scrolled down and wasn't watching the vid.
  9. M

    Whats the best

  10. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrr knackered knee from training at the weekend still isn't happy
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    Sean Bell murderers acquitted

    yeah, the fact that Reverend Al Sharpton was there doesn't help matters
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    That would be telling...
  13. M

    When did this turn into PokemonNation?

  14. M

    Another high school shooting in the USA

    You guys see this?
  15. M

    Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant

    Happy St. Davids Day - Even those of you descended from the Goddoddin Twll Din Bob Sais and other appropriate greetings
  16. M

    Petrol Prices UK

    "And that's not likely to happen because we're all fat lazy b*stards who have become too reliant on our cars" That's nice if you live in a town or city, but not all of us fat lazy *******s do. Some of us live in areas with no public transport and can't quite bring ourselves to walk 15 miles to...
  17. M

    He named his son Kal-El ? (And other stupid baby names)

    My fiance's surname is McKenzie. I always joke that I'm gonna name our future son Ken McKenzie lol....but I guess that's not that bad compared to what other people are doing. I once knew a guy named Ben Dover.
  18. M

    So who have you met?

    OK, gosh, let's give this a go: TKDMitch, Bassai, PASmith, jwt, MikeFlannagan, Coma, CosmicFish, Rhea, Saz, Johnno, Melanie, Aegis, Alansmurf, Sam, Freeform, Fluffydoc, Stump, Ragnarok2005, Cavallin, Tom Pain... Gah, mind's gone blank. There are several more whose faces I can picture but whose...
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    We can't help reacting the way we do to other people's displays of affection. Really, it's cool. As long as you don't start acting like a certain person and hurling insults, it's all good. Mind you, this isn't a full permission slip as I don't really identify as gay- more 'can't tell the...
  20. M

    Pizza Hut snobby girl

    Pizza Hut is crap, go to Pizza Express instead next time.