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  1. E

    Main events in chapter one of lord of the flies?

    I need to do a story board on lord of the flies. But ONLY chapter one !! Could someone give me main events. I need 6 .. I have done two which are the plane crash and meeting piggy .. PLEASE
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    i can not found Link to Logo Quiz Game any one can help me ?

    need help
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    Take my survey??????

    Coke Mac Dog French fries Ketchup Yahoo answers iPhone California Rock. Pretty little liars, the vampire diaries, EastEnders. Grown ups, the croods, twilight California
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    iPad apps for school?

    I just got an iPad mini and I'm excited to use it for school, but I don't know what apps to download! What do you recommend for typing up papers, things for learning French (I'm an intermediate level student), for viewing Microsoft Word documents, quizzing myself, etc???
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    economic impacts on cruise industry?

    positive or negative impacts would be greatly appreciated.
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    This is to the guys....

    Lol!!!! Some women really seem to suit short hair and can carry it off! I have a friend who looks great with short hair,whereas whenever I had it I think I perhaps lacked the confidence (and the bone structure!) I think perhaps it has something to do with the long history of imagery of women...
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    How to defeat the black knight on the family guy video game on ps2?

    I can't get passed is there any cheats or something?
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    what breed of dog is this?

    That would be a puffball :)
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    Why are you up right now?

    I've been watching movies since 11:/ Jackass 25, american gangster then american pi beta house then death sentence
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    What is there to do in Palm Desert?

    I'm going to Palm Desert in February for a Kathy Griffin show but it doesn't start until 10pm so we'll have some time to kill. What should we plan to do?
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    Atheists sometimes i can't tell, Do you hate Christians?

    They do. Ive been called a terrorist on here. Just because I am a Christian. a friggin terrorist
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    Smartphone or android tablet, what should i get?

    So you just said you don't need a new phone? Getting a new phone when you don't need one is a waste of money if you already have a decent mobile. Smartphones are not great ideas. Some of them (like the Galaxy Mini) can be alright, however a BlackBerry is not the best phone to get. They're very...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Nothing really grabs me there I'll just have to calm down from the journey from Devon I've just finished. Freakin' snow Grr
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Yes. You sound something like an ass.
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    Does Facetime use your data on the iPhone 4G? And can I conserve data if I connect... my home wifi at home? I'm trying to see if I can get by with the 2gb data plan. Does Facetime use your data or is it just like the calling and it just uses your minutes? Also, if when i'm at home and I can connect to our wifi, does it still use part of my data plan or no?
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    Why is Verizon closed on Saturday's and open on Sunday's?

    It just seems backwards lol
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Sam you are indeed fantastical. But i can't call you if you dunt gimme your number! ... Hey Looby Lookin good
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    is God against the lesbians?

    homosexuality is a sin
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    Did Jesus Christ have sex?

    perhaps he was srawing perhaps he was singing perhaps he loved to make funny faces perhaps what makde him most happy was birds sitting on his finger and that was enough but perhaps he had wild wild sex and girls could never forget him..
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    What dish would you marinade with "lawrys original seasoned salt marinade"?

    its the liquid marinade from a bottle