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  1. B

    The Bible

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    Where can I find free DVD authoring software?

    I am trying to make a DVD of some birthday videos I have of my children. I can actually make a DVD of them now truthfully. But, what I want to do is create my own menu with my own background where I can separate the years (Age 1, Age 2, etc.) and also add my own music to it to spice it up a...
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    Why doe this store say you have to be 21 to buy tobacco?

    I live in Milwaukee, WI. There is a tobacco shop here that says that you have to be 21 to buy tobacco. I know this is true for online orders, but this store doesn't sell online. I have bought cigars and tobacco products at other shops and gas stations (I'm 19), but why does this store say that...
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    High Heels!?!

    yeah eddie rules. "sprechen zie koala?"
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    Whats the name of this song?

    You're kidding, right?
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    Mothers Day

    Oh boy I sure made some really dumb posts when I was younger, please remind me of how much an idiot I was.
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    Who would win, a Gorilla or a Polar Bear?

    Gorilla. Its super agility would allow it to snuff.
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    2012 Olympics - hypothetical question

    Just move to some small island country that has like 200 people on it, then you can compete in any sport you like! New Caledonia here I come!
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    So last night I went to a friends house and at 1 in the morning we decided to get our buddy and go climb on roofs in the neighborhood. We do this quite often and have only been hassled once before which we just ran away. We decided to climb onto a church just down the road. It was fairly easy to...
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    California IS going to fall off !

    I was honestly surprised you didn't ask "what is California".
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    I have a son!

    It's ok guys... some people just aren't baby people and that's ok. I'm glad I have gotten a chance to experience now having a little me around and seeing the differences in how you change almost immediately in so many ways.
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    ummm.... wot?

    Exactly. For all we know he could have detained the burglar, then went into the kitchen to get a knife and turn him into mince meat. A friend of mine told me recently that a police buddy of his told him that if you think you are going to get car jacked(in the USA) you should put your window...
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    so who is down for some gang anal rape?

    This is one of those times when torture should be legal.
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    what are funny things to say on your answering machine?

    i need to put a message on my answering machine but i want something funny and cool to put on there.......any suggestions
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    Facebook and too much information...

    you all need to lighten up.
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    My 19th BIRTHDAY....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY It was mine yesterday and if it's any consolation I thought about posting it on here... except I didn't :P Have a good'un
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    Ideas for writing a love story?

    use a welsh song: dau gi bach yn mund ir coed, or, two dogs go to the forest, esgid newydd ar pob troed, or, a new shoe on each foot, dau gi bach yn dwad adra, the two dogs come home, wedi colli dwy oi sgidia, having lost two of their shoes
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    The Battle Picture Thread

    That things so small G! I can't make it out!
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    Just out of interest. Do you know WHY you are eating a chocolate egg today?

    No idea. Is there actually something deep and meaningful behind a chocolate egg? Seriously!?
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    What is all the hullabaloo over gay marriage, aren't we all equal in America?

    You are mistaken! Almost all Conservatives believe it should be a state (local) issue and be put to a vote locally. This is NOT a federal issue. We believe the feds have too much power and have over stepped their bounds.