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  1. Z

    unanswerable questions

    Ah yes... Politicks... from Latin Poly, meaning many and Ticks being a blood-sucking organism...
  2. Z

    MAP members you are attracted to

    Close, he was chained to my radiator. I did leave him there for quite a while, and he got the impression HE was the one stalking me
  3. Z

    How to Kill Annoying Bird

    "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird" probably the most famous line in the book
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Dude you were 10 years old when the Berlin Wall came down, I don't think you're really in a position to judge what living under Stalinism was like.
  5. Z

    PBnation House

    Those houses are shit. If I'm chipping in for a pbn house it's gonna be new
  6. Z


    bad idea
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    Caught shoplifting

    Haha, you didn't graduate.
  8. Z

    The Elements?

    I doubt she's the only person with the 'mystical' perception either. Mysticism seems to be growing and although I think with most people it's a BS play on English; each to their own. Though I admit I'd never heard that one before The 'elements' are very open to a wide range of perceptions...
  9. Z

    About "0" Posters

    About "0" Posters Quiet ones are the worst
  10. Z

    They Strike Again!!!

    those things scare the fuck out of me
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    can u guys believe this???

    now that is an insult
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    mister rogers or barney?

    I like Mr. Rogers much better than Barney.
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    What do you call the people from Saturn?

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    Woah! Try this quiz for some fun!?

    Is this the quiz for beliefnet? If it is please let us know.
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    Yoda was surely involved in this......

    Old news but still funny!
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    Short Quiz Survey. Let me know what you like and don't like!?

    1. Favorite show--American Idol 2. Goth 3. Neither 4. Homebody 5. Realistic 6. Ford
  17. Z

    Al Sharpton will "shut down the city"?????????????????????

    I do not even think that Al Sharpton is going to shut down NYC! Most people I know are tired of his nonsense.
  18. Z

    Al Sharpton will "shut down the city"?????????????????????

    I do not even think that Al Sharpton is going to shut down NYC! Most people I know are tired of his nonsense.
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    (Survey) Favorite colors for certain things?

    Car--Green room--Blue cell phone--black outfit--gray
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    Have u ever been away on a trip, & just ached to be back home?

    When we go on a trip we never stay away too long. It is always good to go away and it is always good to come home.