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  1. L

    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    LOL! As if. It's pretty much impossible to discuss the US foreign policy in regards to Iran and Israel without Iraq coming into it. Any discussion on US foreign policy in the Middle East and/or South Asia will be always be less than the nice convenient black and white your trying to paint...
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    Death Certificates on Abortions Proposed

    lol... true that.
  3. L

    Bad luck America

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    updated gore thread *NEW PICS*

    soon to come even more new pics from an upcoming surgery!!!!!!!!
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    what should i do?

    my parents are gone and have taken the car so i have no transportation they'll be back in like 4 hours what should i do to occupy myself so st please help me not be bored
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    Responsible Kissing

    If it's from the devil, well it's the best thing he's done in a long time lol. guess what, I hope you get plastered with loads of kisses from everyone lol. fallentoa xxxx
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    The American Infallibility Complex

    PAS, that's entirely your opinion and if you feel the need to label me as a Muslim for my views, then I can only have pity for you. Again, you've assumed that the point in my posts are to bash the U.S. when in fact, time after time in this thread I've stated I'm merely doing a comparison that...
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    Any tips on designing a large tattoo?

    Wicked, thanks for the leads. I'm originally from the North Shore in Auckland. Been away for a while now though (almost 7 years)
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    Favorite foods

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    Change the song name

    Creature Feature - 311 Take your pick!
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    ufc undisputed 2010 mods?

    where can i download ufc undisputed 2010 hacking tool 3.2 or latest update?
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    I got my girlfriend prego. :(

    your white text is fucking annoying.
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    Should women fight on the frontline?

    So you're in Helmand province, rifle-fire whizzing by cutting through the air around you like the deadly metal peice of death that it is, the screams of a man on fire in the background is un-ending as rockets slam into the surrounding buildings and APACHE helicopters fly over-head, the sound...
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    your mum insults

    Your momma's so fat, her escape velocity is 3x10^8 m/s :D
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    fight stories

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    Latest Targeted Assassination

    Going back to the original question. The way bush thinks, he'd bomb his moofftopic teaching at a daycare in a church if he thought there was al queda there.
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    Pizza anyone?

    Now this is a recipe and a half . Anyone game to try it?
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    US Midwest martial artists

    Illinois here. Did you know that Chicago was originally supposed to be part of Wisconsin, but got switched at the last minute for reasons I cannot remember? Look it up, it's true