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  1. M

    Cheating in exams

    Yohan: I think you are taking things way out of perspective. Cheating leads to this which leads to this which is exactly the same as killing someone with a bowie knife and eating their entrails! Be smart, not lazy. If you assume that someone who cheats is someone who is lazy, then I...
  2. M

    How do I deal with this?

    I'm sure he would've put it in OSST. In times like this people just want to vent and ST is a big enough place for enough people to hear it. And yea I take a moral high ground when stupid remarks are made over something serious.
  3. M

    OK, someone fucked up

    what happened to just drinking shit that tastes good?
  4. M

    Free Slurpee day at 711

    w00t! There's one on the way home from school. I'll be walking home from finals anyway, I'll have to stop there.
  5. M

    POLL: Which school year is the best!

    Year 8 definitely. In year 7 everything's new and scary. Year 8 was carefree you knew what teachers you could push and the ones you couldn't. Year 9 onwards "you have to be adults now" and pick options and then exams in Year 10 onwards etc..
  6. M

    the weird places children will sleep

    I have fallen to sleep on top of a wall, on top of a pile of gravel, sitting in a wheelbarrow, on top of a hedge and on a shed roof when I was a kid, I used to fall asleep anywhere.
  7. M

    wayyy tooo much money?

    guys...i dont think you could spend all that money... mansion =12mill TOPSS. (depends where) nice car= 400g's eat the money?
  8. M

    omg what country was that? *olympics*

    saudi arabia
  9. M

    what would happen

    I'd infect that bitch then force her to make me an intestine sandwich.. with no fiber...
  10. M

    worst thing that could possibly be said during sex

  11. M

    Take the kids to the zoo China

    Id love to see that introduced worldwide You could learn soooo much....
  12. M

    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    Look...I'll help you...I design computer games. Or in your world I drive 45 minutes, do a 8-12 hour shift then drive home again. It's a really easy question to answer.
  13. M

    Kidney stones.

    well just as a precaution im going to be drinking nothing but water for the next few weeks.
  14. M

    How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

    fuck ur knowing how to spell ass:(
  15. M

    Early Retirement

    For a CDL you need to enrol on a course and they'll only give you money to cover certain course related expenses and you have to start paying it back immediately following the course at a not so competitive rate of interest. Plus, they wont give you a loan at all if you have more than £16K in...
  16. M

    Cop stole my shizzle

    pig ate your donut
  17. M

    Should women cover up?

    I don't think women are increasing their chances of being raped/assaulted by wearing revealing clothes, however I do think that excessively revealing clothes often make a girl look tacky and cheap so, for that reason, I would be suprised (in a negative way) if my girlfriend (who I don't...
  18. M

    New South Park

    ROFL That's who that fag is. I never got who he was b4 THANX!
  19. M

    What is so important about Israel?

    What is your solution Sandninjer? How can the situation be resolved satisfactorily?
  20. M

    Oh deer, how fast was that? (not for the faint of heart)

    nah, we should be riding spaceships by now. stupid dark ages...