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  1. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Passed my brown sash grading on sunday. Thought I was going for Blue but they bumped me up a grade to put me at the same level as the guys I train with. Teacher reckons i should try for the black before the end of the year,,, then the fun really starts with tiger and crane and edged weapons yay
  2. B

    The Shit You Do And Dont Get In Trouble For

    That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.
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    Sean Bell murderers acquitted

    Yeah, pretty much. Show how fucking stupid the OP is. Quoting some dumbass racist fucking rappers.
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    Swastika written on window of Student store

    some kid in like grade five( im in grade 9) smeared his shit alove in the bathroom and then he had to clean i was like teach you right lil bastard smear your shit on walls the walls will smear it on you noob! ahha lol no serious though some kid smeared shit on the mirror and in the stall he...
  5. B

    Things you used to believe

    A little while ago, I kind of had a little bit of an epiphany if you will. When we learned about the ancient Greeks and whatnot, we pretty much mocked them for their polytheistic beliefs. What makes any religion today more credible than the ones back then?
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    rome total war question

    hey how come whenever i trie to play the prologue campain in rome total war it crashes after a few minutes:crash: :crash:
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    Eduardo injury

    Corrected your post for you, no need to thank me
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    my "friend" stole my wallet.

    my "friend" stole my wallet. We hijacked the shit out of this thread.
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    DVD Storage...

    My DVDs are in a box in my spare room. I rip them to my PC when I buy them and then put the DVDs away.
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    "Ask A Black Man" Thread

    "Ask A Black Man" Thread what is so good about chicken lol is that the secret to get a big dick?
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    Barium anyone?

    There you go again, "shadowy world super powers" LOL your doing it again LOL
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    A few more reasons to be vegetarian

    Now you're being silly. I want watercress or rocket to go with that steak. Chips too!!
  13. B

    Sup with the mods?

    me 2.... :(
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    Ok, so do you have any scientific backing for your belief, or you just think so because? If you just think so because, or you think it 'makes sense,' don't say that time would stop, because it's just a crackpot theory. Time is not relevant to temperature. Time exists without velocity.
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    What do you normally order at Taco Bell?

    mexican pizza, chicken quesadilla and large Mountain Dew
  16. B

    What do you normally order at Taco Bell?

    mexican pizza, chicken quesadilla and large Mountain Dew