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  1. S

    Funn day of school.

  2. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    how can England have referendums when it does not have a government. (hint -England/English is not the same as Britain/British). Grrr people who have not got the hang of a United Kingdom after more than 300 years.
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    Came out

    Aight, I won't flame. But I sure as hell ain't putting a gaurentee on everyone else...
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    Rolls not Buns!

    Well, Su...I...I....Nobby was right
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    How much does it take to get you drunk?

    18 shots :p:
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    This statement shows your profound lack of understanding of Arab culture and proves you don't know what you're talking about. Arab/Muslim culture is a shame-based society. The Western world is a guilt-based society. It would be very difficult to explain to you the vast differences in outlook...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Damn you Rolf Harris. Really. Damn you.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Not much more new are they?
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    The 2013 Pancake thread

    seldging has little to do with pancakes sir ;op
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    beat this you fuckers*pics*

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    Drivers Ed:/

    how are you taking all AP classes and drivers ed drivers ed is a freshman/sophomore class at my school
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    Fruit masquerading as vegetables

    Actually, all fruits are vegetables, but not all vegetables are fruits. Strangely not only are tomatos, zuchini, and peppers fruits, but so are beans and other legumes. --Mike
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    Wild accussation

    Fu bag sold Zaad the grapefruit, advertising its, Ahem., Alternate modes of cunsumption.
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    101 uses for a dead body

    Perhaps, but my dog is very small and fluffy.
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    Imperialism now! Further reading shows the US military is its second biggest source of income which I assume is relevant
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    Dinner with whom?

    My sexy women 3 1. Valentina Vaughn 2. Catalina Cruz 3. Brooke Marks
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    Greatest Military achievements

    That depends on what you're comparing it to... it's dinky in comparison to many US States... I'm sure it is considered tiny by comparison to many countries in the world.
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    Will the mma ever become as popular as classic boxing was.

    FEDOR !!! Sakuraba by all accounts was as big as the rock was to my generation in Japan when pride was going. Ken Shamrock was a comic book character over there apparently. these examples probably don't match up to people like ali in there hey day (in the west anyway) but they prove that it can...
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    Patrick Swayze is Dead

    Wasn't sure how old it was... but considering couldn't see a thread on it. After the fuss people made when jackson died....
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    The Epic Fail thread
