Search results

  1. C

    What ever happened..

    He went to the bathroom.
  2. C

    MAP members you are attracted to

    GemTKD!!!!!!!!! Kick Chick KrisX Neryo TKD Melaine Kinjiro Tsukasa Kgirl Mhyst Yoda (you sexy beast!) I cant think of anymore at the momement, Im a wee bit tired . To all the cheeky lasses that are left off, please excuse me, im only one man!
  3. C

    The perfect MA story

    The man stood under the street lights and roared, "I, AM, THE NORRIS! HEAR, ME, ROAR!," and with a mighty breath he shook the foundations of the world with a deep and tremulous shout, and thousands years in the past the walls of Jerhico fell.
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    Obamacare or the ACA

    Please let this help the dems know that citizens should take care of themselves like it was before everyone got lazy and look for government hand outs
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    Syria-Possible Sarin use

    You keep saying sweet things to yourself. A lot of people who have served or are in the military don't rate to say the things they do with the authority they think "just" serving in the military brings them.
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    Gun Club

    Comp. sci, why do you ask?
  7. C

    Many Injured in Explosions at Boston Marathon

    Not going to get into the pro life/ pro choice crap because this really isn't the right thread for it, but the defintion of terrorism is "The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." So yes, blade's case of pro life groups attacking abortion centres could be classified...
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    Knee Brace

    hope you get better! xxx
  9. C

    Car accident

    [No message]
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    Man has Sex with Picnic Table

    there right there........rofal
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    Facebook + Statuses

    Haha your stalker! i would just delete her or be like ermm your creepy :rolleyes:
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    Things you do that no one knows about v.Idk

    i fuck on the first date.
  13. C

    Please Vote.

    what a joke that you pick up on him for this when all the coverage of this election (as usual) has been obsessed with demographics. How many white people voted ? how many black people between the ages of 40 and 50 voted ? how many latino's came out to vote ? who did the majority of NASCAR fans...
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    I keep telling you but few listen....

    Bullets can be made/cast with lead (melts easy) and a bullet mold... Ball bearings are harden steel and harder to produce/find .
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    Sadam Hussain (So Damn Insane!?)- Death Or Prison

    IMHO torturing a torturer serves no purpose other than lowering yourself to their level. What good does that serve??? It only continues the circle of violence
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    is it just me

    nice. other than that though i heard it sucks. just a bunch of poor and obese people.
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    Wellll. I guess I could cross train.
  18. C

    bodyguard/security professional

    Xio, you're a mind reader. I'm looking for something I can apply my skills in. I am actually going to join Special Forces tai-gip as an officer, but I was wondering what job should I go for after the military. Thanks for all the help everyone!!!
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    Christmas presents

  20. C

    Talk about an idiot

    In general aren't physios higher up the medical hierarchy than chiropractors