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    What is it with girls and cats?

    Someone sig this! I'm out of room!
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    another day another stabbing

    I do agree something needs to be done. "gang wars" only escalate when both sides refuse to give in. I think that police should come down hard on this sort of crime.
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    What stick would that be?!?!?
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    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Im happy enough with it for what it does. It is (was) an r65ls, so it was really an around town bike. No its not that fast, but its a good size to throw around a bit. Ive done a few 5 to 6 hour days on it, but really it is more a little short blat bike. Hence why i am stripping it to turn it...
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    Your dream job...?!

    A Ranger... The LOTR kind not the real world kind. I have an Uncle who owns his own hot dog stand...thats pretty cool
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    That's better than me, just without a jacket in ominously dark Cambridge, it's 50:50 whether I get home dry
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    [No message]
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    Fall semester 08 schedule

    I'll get it a day before school starts, on the 17th.
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    Britain and America: divided by a common language

    It doesn't Anyway - Yon mon farze weel tha noze. Faverz a sheppie! Tha mornt tell ees maud tho else it's pon praters fer thee. ... and THAT MAPers - is my native tongue
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    leet speak class

    well true but some ppl are just illiterate.
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    Bradley Manning sentenced

    I guess I'm more outraged by the abuses of the soldiers than I am that someone tattled. vv In general though, I'd say that what puts American soldiers at risk is going to war. An educated public should be aware of the costs of war, both in terms of American casualties and foreign casualties...
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    Football Fans out there?

    Hey im an avid follower of the mighty Glasgow Celtic...ok they were knocked out of europe before christmas but they had a tough group but the fans still chant " we are celtic supporeters...faithful through and through...over and over we will follow you" i think that sums up the passion in fellow...
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    Change the song name

    Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer
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    Universal vs. Free-Market medicine

    If anyone wishes I can go into more detail on the economic theory behind why under-consumption of health care, which WILL happen if it was left to the free market, is classed as 'market failure' and thus not the socially optimum position. And if anyone is wondering the free market is only...
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    Warriors of the Clouds

    That Hawking bloke is a bright guy. He makes the point almost as succinctly as me. Mitch
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    200 years of world health & wealth trend

    200 years of world health & wealth trend Fascinating... first off because I'm a huge fan of the specialty of information graphics. Secondly because visualizations like this often make it possible for the layman like me to understand the data whereas if I had to read through the hard statistics...
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    Snow in the UK

    I saw one of those very models struggling to get out of our carpark (as most of the spaces have a significant slope). I stood amused, watching for a while after locking my bike.
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    Girls Rules

    lol that one's me =]
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    Everybody Draw Mohammad Day

    That's just silly. It's not about that though is it, it's about control and fear. The problem still exists though that it is such a stupidly sensitive subject that no one dare be satirical about islam or depict Mohammed in any light. Why is it not an issue with any other religion? It's the...
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    World Domination

    Greyghost, you practice age discrimination! Well, I'm safe! And you'll never know what you're missing, ha ha!