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  1. M

    your favourite past time?

    Like I said, odd thoughts. I'll challenge you to a chess match, best of 5.
  2. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    this (slightly NSFW): Michael Jackson VS Elvis Presley. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2. - YouTube and this: Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2. - YouTube
  3. M

    The World Cup

    Argentina were on cruise control, but Holland still had to work hard to contain them. The game went a bit flat in the second half, and Holland finished quite strongly - but they didn't have a single real chance all match. Argentina look scarily good. At least we won't get them if we manage to...
  4. M

    Pick-up Lines

    Hey, what are the chances of u and me making the sexy time?
  5. M

    hangout place ideas

    fleshlight built into the wall
  6. M

    funny words/names

    well to my understanding a ponce is a bloke who's a bit light in the loafers, a bit of a fluffer, no? I like lolligag.. makes me think of candy telling jokes. I tend to call people monkey's instead of stupid or the like. "Look, this monkey's left his bloody turn signal on for 2 MILES now!"...
  7. M

    A Photograph

    Always nice to start one's morning with a coffee and a cry. Glad the voice over stopped, was distracting as hell trying to read the captions and take in some meaning from the photo with someone talking.
  8. M

    Quitting the internet

    The I-Phone is a revolution in that respect
  9. M


    Sounds like you got a life plan in place, you'll go far in life
  10. M

    This week, in my alternate universe...

    You don't so much tour pubs in Glasgow, rather 'outstay your welcome' is usually the first reason to leave.
  11. M

    Evolution: The MAP Discussion

    How is what he said wrong? We did split into a different evolutionary branch from chimpanzees after our last common ancestor. That's what happens in evolution. Out of existent species chimpanzees are our closest genetic relative and our split with them was 6 million years ago. So both species...
  12. M

    Sadam Captured!!!!!!

    No, I don't want Saddam free. I think tho that he knows too much for Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld to let him blabber too much in a public forum. I just think there are an awful lot of other creeps out there who are just as bad. We'll see if Bush goes after them. Sorry for not being real clear...
  13. M

    ring/cage entrance

    I hate pyros :P My entrance would be the complete absence of all but myself. I would appear in a black hooded cloak, wait for everyone to shut up, walk step by step towards the ring, and all the time maintaining totally silence and not showing my face, nor showing any "emotion". Then simply...
  14. M

    Some suggestions for a date

    Sounds interesting! Actually, that sounds like a small price to pay. She's a him? Doh! I forgot!
  15. M

    the ramp - chosen - prophecy scprit?

    my church is doing the ramp - chosen - prophecy drama and i was wondering if anybody now where i can see the scprit or give it to me. we are all looking for the scprit so we can do and if u have it can i have it please!! thanks and God bless!!
  16. M

    celeb obsession?

    i want to write to a guy from neighbours how do i get in touch? no dodgey websites:P
  17. M

    celeb obsession?

    i want to write to a guy from neighbours how do i get in touch? no dodgey websites:P