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  1. L

    Can I get my citizenship.

    I only got 4
  2. L

    Huge Sentencing Injustice

    It's only a sentencing injustice if she were convicted of murder. She was convicted of manslaughter. The jury in this case convicted her of Voluntary Manslaughter, which is "intentional killing of a human being in which the offender had no prior intent to kill and acted during "the heat of...
  3. L

    How to earn respect from your younger siblings

    Yeah man, it's a younger siblings god given right to make your life a misery. Don't ever feel bad about slapping him one. It's what brothers are supposed to do. If it's deserved then it's deserved. Your parents will no doubt rip you a new one for it but that's all good too. If all else fails...
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    What>!?! More then ten years old, United Nuclear made a car back in 1994. And this system is superior to other hydrogen systems.
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    Looking for feedback on my Poem

    The night encompasses you. Your breath is strikened by fear The booming sounds of war surround you. Fear surrounds you. You run. Faster. Faster. Faster. Run. RUN! you cant escape the dark. you cut your wrists after a mom from myspace brakes up with you...
  6. L

    Phantom of the Opera Play?

    Yea, My personel favorite is when they tie the girl down and bring in the horse :dodgy:
  7. L

    The Taliban-ZZ Top-UFC-Gracey-Gay-Ham connection

    The only reason most of the villagers "side" with the Taliban is because the Taliban tell them that they will be killed if they don't help the Taliban. Now that is some effective politics. Considering that the Pashtuns are a majority, of course that would be where the support predominately...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Deciding to do some chin-ups just before bed wasn't a good idea. Neck is in agony Grrrrr Was going to wash & polish my car in the sun today. Guess it's lucky for the neighbours as I wanted an all-over tan
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    japanese name for pet cat?

    Totoro of course! If you like cat's and you haven't seen Studio Ghibli's "My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro).then your missing out!!! Run! Don't walk - to your nearest decent video store and check this one out. An all time classic. Great name for a cat as well!
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    Burger King chips.... *picture*

    i'd rather eat whale scrotums than eat bk chips.......
  11. L

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    flag waver!
  12. L

    Life sucks

    My dad had the surgery back in '93. Since then he's never complained about back pain. But he does have a bunch of other things he complains about
  13. L

    US embassies attacked

    There WAS a draft in the form of a lottery. But it was supplemental to bring enough forces to bear quickly enough to make a difference. Most of those drafted would have enlisted anyway as explained to me by myfathers WWII friend. They drafted his brother, he went along with him. Niether was...
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    Freudian Slip

    LOLLLLLLLLLL dude the last one one the OP!!
  15. L

    Should women fight on the frontline?

    Haven't read through everything, but women should be allowed in as front-line units if they pass the relevant tests. Fewer women will pass the physical tests than men, but those that do pass should be allowed to serve. As for all the unit cohesion, white knight, etc arguments...women already...
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    Finally, I can officially become a BAMF!

    its by me.....
  17. L

    is west ham vs city on sky tonight???????

    good result for citeh !
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    songs that are pure evil

    Slipknot SUCK. I don't know what the deal is. They are horrid. EVIL!
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    Abusive relationships

    Apparently it's quite common for Police to be attacked by a victim of domestic abuse when they are arresting the perpetrator, even if it the police were originally called by the victim. It all comes down to this: Women are bat guano crazy.
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    FBI: Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11?

    Ummm I was arguing against the Taliban. I have no idea how you got the idea I was arguing for it. I don't hold up the Taliban as a people who were good at governing just that they are LESS popular than the US forces. I think the US government is a puppet gov't and we don't have foreign troops...