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  1. M

    views on drug users

    They will interfere with your training. Just say no!
  2. M

    Leonardo Decaprio wants me to save teh Polar bearz!1!!

    And to think, we're trying to save these monsters.
  3. M

    American History

    Then I must say I'm shocked at how much people retain or actually understand of what they learn about American history in college according to you. I find most people have a shocking lack of understanding of American history and yes I'm referring to people with college level educations. It's...
  4. M

    Whats your FAVE beer?

    Now that would depend. Since going on a brewery trip recently I've really started enjoying real ales. If I was out for a curry though it could only be Cobra and if it was Chinese or Thai or something like that, it would have to be Tiger. I'm thirsty now. Darn.
  5. M

    "Where are they now?": Geico squirrel edition.

    "Where are they now?": Geico squirrel edition. take it and spin it around your head wile making indian noises.
  6. M

    The American Infallibility Complex

    Well, I respect your arguments but I think it neglects history as the whole premise of this argument does. The problem is that we assume western culture is 'pure' in some way and hasn't been influenced by many other cultures. The fact is that many of the great things we love about the west were...
  7. M

    What people really mean...

    I ACTUALLY own a Total Gym - one of the first ones into the UK I believe So must be over 15 years old and it's still awesome
  8. M

    Funniest prank/joke you pulled this year

    I just have made several cheap jokes about people.
  9. M

    Is this unethical?

    he's not a fucking bum!!! I live in a neighborhood where the cheapest fuckin houses are $800,000, and he obviously lives within the neighborhood, he's just some fucking Leach who probably doesnt even have a job and just leaches off the system and his other non-english speaking relatives and as...
  10. M

    Weird or different places you have used/use to study or read

    Do you have or had any weird or different places that you liked to study or read? I have… I don’t know why but when it comes to reading, I can't just sit where I would normally sit, like at my computer or on the sofa. Ive found myself on the bathroom floor, the hall way, under a tree, my...
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    Change the song name

    40 shades of Green - Johnny Cash
  12. M

    penguin role call!

    I like the penguin from that 50 first dates movie
  13. M

    How to: protect your room

    lol/ get a lock with key. or talk to him.
  14. M

    Wild accussation

    Coronavirus secretly loves furries
  15. M

    This Guy Needs Help

    ahahahaha. Mechaphiles. This is way too fucking funny to be gross.
  16. M

    England is Vanishing

    And if you've never paid taxes, why should people who work hard pay for your food and shelter?
  17. M

    George W Bush still a class act.

    Already made that point about the Czars and posted a link showing which ones exist by legislative fiat and/or are confirmed by the Senate. The point is Obama has appointed more of them than anyone before him and most of them are political cronys with slightly more than "moderate" political...
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    GIRLS - What do you think of my new, leaner body? (Serious) check out Tyson's how long do you think it'll take to get something like this.
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    The Word Game IV

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    watch this

    hahahaha?? :dodgy: