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  1. J

    google maps street view

    lulz... orange spandex = funny.
  2. J

    Katie Couric interview with Sarah palin

    Lie? Where? Politicians are notorious for stretching the truth, but to suggest that Biden has lied is laughable when you consider the antics of the McCain campaign. In fact from the debate fact checks that I have seen from the debate, it seems clear that if anyone was taking li with the...
  3. J

    Worlds most expensive/technologic yacht

    considering it was only completed in august of 2006, and not launched till spring 2007, i'm pretty sure neither of your guesses are accurate.. Anyone who knows anything about boats/yachts knows that wether it's old or new, a yacht that costs $500,000 a week to rent isnt your typical boat.
  4. J

    Delicious Cake

    go to the ghetto, pimp out your ass for some moneh, then when you have enough, take a taxi to the cake-land
  5. J

    Rolls not Buns!

    Grrrrrrr you people !!!!!!
  6. J

    Weekly Sketch Thread -

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but as a standard member here, I haven't seen a way to upload images the way you did. Help, please?
  7. J

    **The I Love My Family Appreciation Thread**

    Well I let my brother go play with his friends and told him we'll tutor afterwards. I call my mom and told her, she tells me I don't do anything right and hangs up. Well my brother hurt his shoulder or some shit and is at the hospital, I call my sister to ask if he's alright and she just hangs...
  8. J

    The flash game made for ST.

    Oic. Gimp wasntdoinitrite.
  9. J

    Petrol Prices UK

    Didnt know you were standing Andy. David
  10. J

    Have you guys ever had a dinosaur egg?

    actually, yes i have.
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    Hybrid Air Vehicles...

    Hey, the site also has some efficiency graphs linky. My 3x efficiency estimate was pretty close! (expected 0.4 kWh/kgkm down to 0.14kWh/kgkm) Yep
  12. J

    What does this mean?

    The quote sounds like something said by a physicist, praising what he loves and describing its superiority to other disciplines. As a Research Chemist, I would have to agree with you.
  13. J

    What does st do?

    I lol'd out loud. :dodgyrun: I'm going to hell.
  14. J

    gay wizard is gay

    You're saying that the classics are twaddle? Isn't that a bit of a contradiction in terms?
  15. J

    Which accents do you like / find attractive?

    Spanish and british
  16. J

    Casino Winnings

    Usually, when you make a claim as completely idiotic as that, you use some sort of proof to back it up. Honestly, if you're going to try to characterize and make fun of an entire nation for being stupid, at least use correct spelling and grammar. Otherwise you're the one looking like an idiot.
  17. J

    [Japan] Japanese speakers? help!

    Hi guys, whats JET? You make it sound like something really cool! A good reason to go to Okinawa and learn the language, plus get some training in!
  18. J

    I was just wondering..if someone only chats to u..?

    Because if he can get the same services for free that he would get from an internet whore, why pay for them? I am not saying this to be mean hon, but don't expect to be treated like someone special and important and a decent human being when you are doing those things online because you are...
  19. J

    Too much PDA (question??)?

    Yeah she is jealous a little,but making out in public is tacky hon.Get a room.Not really but you know what I mean.ALso if your that close after 2 yrs and he is also your best friend, it is time to get married!
  20. J

    Well me and my boyfriend use to have sex all the time like three or four...

    It takes a lot longer to really get to know someone and what they are than it does to have sex and make a baby. You gave little or no information. Maybe he feels guilty for getting you pregnant and not being married? Maybe he doesn't want the responsibility of a baby which is why he was having...