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  1. F

    Teen Pregnancy

    You completely misread my post, aiki. Go back and reread the part where I said "I agree with Aiki". Or the post in its entirety where I was using this as an example of how parent with mutliple sexual partners are leaving it up to the school to teach sex ed while forgetting to teach their...
  2. F

    best fight story???

    At our Pimps N Hoes party a few years ago we had 3 kids walk up looking for some other kid. Well that kid they were looking for was the son of the mom who my friends rented the house from so we never met him. They insisted he come out.. we told them that know one knows who you're talking about...
  3. F

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Here we go again: Bush, Bush, Bush... it's all G.W. Bush's fault. Aids? That was Bush. Poverty? Bush again. Middle East Crisis? you guessed it: Bush. Because clearly it's G.W. Bush's fault this has been going on since the UN formed Israel in 1947. My only question is, what are you people...
  4. F

    Isreal denies access to higher education.

    Ever consider that Palistine is a terrorist state as a direct result of Isreali policies? Thanks, slip.... extra butter?
  5. F

    Best "Macho Movie"?

    Best "Macho Movie"? You lose at the interweb
  6. F

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Reading up on Japan's situation and discovering morons
  7. F

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Sat down to some caffeine infused beverages in Starbucks yesterday when some old geezer came up to us and asked 'Where are you from?' Sensing no good coming out of this, I primed my guns ready for some fisticuffs and told him that I'm from Newcastle. 'No, no, I meant where is your family...
  8. F

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? also we have spoke about this before and you we're much more pessimistic than 15 years lol, I misquoted a report that said 20 years, I think I said 30, before a facility capable of housing the system could be constructed and you said it...
  9. F

    Fox Gore!!!

    You are correct sir, I've been to Germany.
  10. F

    Coolest music site EVER!

    How is it used... EDIT: Nevermind.. my slow head eventually figured it out....
  11. F

    UFOs in NY

    Anyone from New York and saw this in person? I'm curious... YouTube - Strange UFO in the sky in Chelsea, New York 13 October 2010
  12. F

    Skipping School??

    Skipped all but 1 class (lab) so far this week (6 total) ... I'm going to all 3 classes I have today =/ Getting off a 2 week break.
  13. F

    Where am I?

    so i bought about $800 worth of stuff, in other words 3 pairs of sneakers.
  14. F

    christmas lists

  15. F

    Christmas 2007

    Money for college needs and books. Got my Santa hat on my av already, but I will ignore Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Too early. Even for an observing Christian.
  16. F

    How can I do Auto Cleanup for my messages with the Motorola K1m Krzr?

    I can't figure it out! I know you go into messages then press options. Then Inbox Setup, then Auto Cleanup. And then I select whichever one I want but it still doesn't work!!
  17. F

    Are you a fan of gossip girl?

    I love that show.
  18. F

    Are you a fan of gossip girl?

    I love that show.