Search results

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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
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    If you saw a guy passed out on the ground in a college campus?

    YES. I like the way you think.
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    The Tardy Excuse Thread

    Lol i got 14 tardies last year. 10= Saturday detention. Umm i used "my dog ate my car?"
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    PBnation House

    love the avatar :tup:
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    "Bolivia bug"? Alot of you have probably already seen this as it's been on the front page of youtube for a while now, but does anyone have any clue as to what it actually is?! It's kinda cute but it creeps me out at the same time.
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    My dog is going to be in a calander.

    it says i already voted, but i didn't, so i guess you got my vote somehow.
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    Computer backgrounds

    That is freaky!! I was just checking this thread and about to put my desktop piccie on and in the ohther window i was checking the BBC top gear web site out, at the exact time that i saw what your background was!!! Anywho my background is
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    Supporting MAP.

    Nice one!
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    Abortion is Wrong

    Rape victims can easily prove it? In what universe? Rape is very difficult to prove, and often devolves into he said/she said regarding consent. It's not just a case of a dude in a dark alley, it's often times Brian the cute med student who got a little too drunk.
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    My Late Night Breakfast Sandwich

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    Change the song name

    Allied Forces - Triumph
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    London Cinema hires Ninjas

    Couldn't they just descend on a rope from the ceiling? Peice of cake for a Ninja, I would have thought.
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    I have grown chili outside in cold frames in Scotland they aren't that fragile.
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    penguin role call!

    I'm here, as is Tenguin, my beloved pet Gentoo. I can get some more if we need them....
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    Summer Holidays.

    I'll be first then. Menorca - Last two weeks in August 2004.
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    martial arts + geeks

    They considered towns cities. I live in a town. The average here was 120 and I scored a 130. It was not a complete iq test though. Iq tests only mean you do good on iq tests imo. They really don't mean much. However, it is a good way to find out if your retarded or not, lol. I believe a 75 is...
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    sophie simmons vs ali lohan

    ali kinda suckss above post hit it rite on the dot
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    The Ashes

    Tell me about it. To play it's not so bad but paint & drying does spring to mind when watching it.
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    Why does my laptop get so hot?

    That shouldn't happen if he has an AMD. They are hacker proof. Try booting up Soldier Front and see if it still runs hot. If so, you may need to purchase an ATX and install Linucks.
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    Restore my faith in MEN, please!

    i think this thread is kind of sad if you need your faith in me restored try dating a few and see what happens one of them will probably be the beta you are seeking most men are ... one of them will treat you right while many men will cheat, beat, or otherwise betray your trust and love the same...