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  1. J

    ST, rate my sandwich!

  2. J

    Snake VS Gator

    wow, well what can i say?!?!?!?!?!?! 20ft OMG
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    Finding a personal moment.

    I still have it. I may use it. I might write something of my life and leave it on the train.
  4. J

    Haunted Swing Set?

    I don't understand.
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    What Do You Think?

    You're not famous. Just a normal faggot.
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    China: no place to be a criminal!

    yeh... it reminds me when i used to go to the swimming pool in the summer holidays, they used to put up a big long inflatable bouncy castle thingy with obstacles and a big slide at the end, you had to try and get to the end and slide down while been shot blasted by freezing cold water! Those...
  7. J

    lulz. guess.

  8. J

    Best friend or.......

    Chunky cats
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    What is Love?

    Still none of them got the right answer. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. Edit: oops, looks like someone beat me to it.
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    Strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and depression.

    Please just stop with that tripe. Depression is serious, and that fortune cookie crap doesn't do anything. Depression I not something you just snap out of by thinking happy thoughts.
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    I demand...

    YES! Maybe the Ozzman can fix it for his son to get his hair sorted!!! Ozzy for Prime Minister aswell!
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    Holiday vegetarian rant...

    It's the fish -eating 'vegetarians' that cause most confusion. I once heard fish referred to as the 'fruit of the sea' as a justification. Try ordering a vegetarian soup in Singapore - I did and it came with five fish-heads floating in it. Around 80% of we veggies have been offered fish as the...
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    hit in the penar?

    It's because you have a vagina... don't blame it on the pants.
  14. J

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" If it's only about the theoretical capacity for harm, what about computer-controlled metro/tram systems? Totally doable if the investment was there. I do tend to think of cars as largely unnecessary death machines. I realise I'm in the...
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    Chrismas Fun

    You: Do you smoke? Santa: I am an occasional smoker, yes. You: What do you smoke? Santa: Medical marijuana. You: I like marijuana too. Santa: I am glad we have something (marijuana) in common. You are not the only one. MARIJUANA is wonderful medicine.
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    Men, women, and sex

    *I shall keep my creative ramblings on feces and contraceptive devices to myself from now on* Fishy... let's raise the bar... not drive it deep into middle earth. - Slip
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    Last Subway of my life

    lol true. Im half beaner, half white supremacist but meh. i get by
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    Foreskin Restoration

    saggy balls will happen. either way
  19. J

    Let's make a MAP anthem!

    People: we have been a feudin' and a fussin' for too long now. It's about time we come together in the spirit of brotherly and sisterly love. A veritable orgy of intellect. So let's make an anthem just for MAP. Let's sum this place place up in a beautiful poem set to music. Here's how...
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    Choosing the sex of your baby

    I wan't atleast one boy and one girl. I plan to keep on trying till i get one of each, if somehow i keep getting like 3/4 boys or 3/4 girls, I would consider doing this.