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    Disturbed Christmas Carols (Email I got)

    i dont get it. edit: ohhhh wait..maybe cause half of those words are too big for my vocabulary. :dodgy:
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    Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it. To those who think it is BS: I have been here for nearly a year now, so I know that doing such a thing is pointless and stupid. It is not BS. I have been thinking about what happened. We were taken to the police station and cautioned for being...
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    Capital Punishment

    I shall fight you with all my ammo Yippie Kay-ayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Well it's all most time....

    It's supposed to replicate the Big Bang. Some physicists think it would create a blackhole and destroy the Earth. There is a small chance of a blackhole forming, but it wouldn't last long enough for any noticeable affects.
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    "Day of Silence"

    "Day of Silence" my school did this...well all the gay kids did. what school do you go to?
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    The FACT, according to the story believed by the court, is that Zimmerman followed Martin, not stalked him. The FACT, according to the story believed by the court, is that Zimmerman lost track of Martin, and that Martin hunted Zimmerman down, not the other way around. The FACT, according to...
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    Dr. Phil bails out teen

    Fucking gay. Those girls deserve to get oggled in jail for a while
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    my new haircut

    it sounds alright, but the funny parts are the guido parts, like Jagerbomb, HGH, fuckin skanks, etc.
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    What you love best about your girlfriend/boyfriend

    The fact she is non existent
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    The No-Topic Thread

    I see things differently here. If you came to my class and tried hard for an hour and then could not continue because your fitness would not allow. I would have no problem provided over the next few months you tried to improve your fitness. If however you came and just made up the numbers...
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    If you had to pick, Facebook v The Student Room

    Facebook. That's where the people I actually know are.
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    Guy rules

    No, if it was fluffing it would only be 17 seconds.
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    If you butter a cats back....

    antigravity cat ftw
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    what would you do if your child was being beaten up on your front lawn?

    I like the image in my head of us all tooled up, hanging off a Map Bus chasing Chav's and Scallies!
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    Why do some poters sign their names after long posts?

    Because after a long post, you forget who the name was at the top? I really have no idea.
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    Why did you not join the armed forces?

    Really? Please list us all the countries whose enlistment reasons you've researched. Last time I checked, much of Europe (for example) has a VOLUNTARY military force, just as an example. Can you please stop making things up as you go along. Don't assume everyone shares your anti-everything...
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    A drinking recommendation

    Please tell me you are joking. That is the worst thing I have ever heard. I am a serious alcho, but even I would never bastadise a beautiful drink like conyac by mixing it with Jack Daniels. Mixing it with coke is even worse. If you are going to drink a brilliant drink like conyac, dont waste it...
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    Im babysitting y lil bro and i wanna kill him!!!?

    go to a room and lock the door?
  19. T

    Im babysitting y lil bro and i wanna kill him!!!?

    go to a room and lock the door?