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  1. G


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    Broken bones and Disney!!!

    Exactly!! At that age, book a few meals with the characters at the different restaurants/hotels inside the park. As I recall, you can have breakfast with all the characters, or dinner inside Disney World with all the characters. Don't forget to see shows, music, etc. Most of the rides are...
  3. G

    Tire or tyre?

    So I'm having an argument with somebody on how to spell tire/tyre correcly. I want your opinion. To you spell it tire, or tyre?! Are they both ok?
  4. G

    Computers surpassing humans

    Real-world AI research is still a long way from things like 'Terminator' or ''Blade Runner'. In realistic terms, there is a decent chance we will see things in our lifetimes like vehicles which 'drive themselves' after being given a route on a roadmap, or military vehicles which don't have a...
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    Amateur Photography

    And to stop boring everyone... Here's one last one... ahh... the joys of photography!      Camera: Mamiya RZ67 Pro II Film / Media: Kodak E100 SW Lens: Mamiya RZ 110mm 2.8
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    fat death row inmate

    Holy shit its a fat ginger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    interesting energy drinks...

    report him to a mod llike personaly pm them. and look at his email address. mods can ban the email. amidoinitrite?
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Weird phenomenon...I've lost yet more fat, though have thankfully not lost any actual weight. I like. Also, I really need to start logging my lifting sessions again. I haven't gotten around to posting them for like the last 2 weeks.
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    best vomit moment

    i can't remember the last time i puked.
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    poll time! room related

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    Change the song name

    Heaven and Hell - Black Sabbath
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    Comic book superhero questions

    Why are there no Kryptonians in the Green Lantern Corp?
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    I've heard of rubbing ink into a fresh branding to create a raised tattoo, anyone else heard of this?
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    Favorite pop

    ive been waiting and it wasnt just one beer, btw. we've already been through this
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    What do you guys do when your depressed.

    i but myself to feel... but srsly, listen to ska music. its so happy! dont let the bastards grind you down by the toasters or obla di obla da by the beatles :dodgy:
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    funyn pic thread

    There was nothing to save! :runaway:
  17. G

    Bank Account Question

    100% sure the mistake will be found. You are responsible to pay for it, if you spend it. (Used to work in bank.) EDIT: before i robbed it.