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  1. K

    Scars? What do you think?

    I have a scar on my hand where it was sliced right through with a swiss army knife (Throught fleshy bit between thumb and first finger), one on my head where someone knocked me off a wall and onto gravel which cut my head open and another on my head fruther up where some jockey knocked me down...
  2. K

    The Grapics?

    wait, the grapics?
  3. K

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I'd offer advice but when I was 5, I threw away 6 pairs before my Mum gave up. At least two pairs went out then window (we lived on the top floor of a three story block of flats at the time).
  4. K

    Free Veyron

    Is it an 09 number...if it is..most likely they've targeted 1000's of people...who will call these lines for a few mins at آ$1.50 a min...and they'll make a quick آ$5k or so.
  5. K

    Rolls not Buns!

    Oooh well done Cathain! Nice fact based knowledge there! "You're a fakey cake baker and I aint got time for youuuuuuu!"
  6. K

    Am I ugly?

  7. K

    Higgs boson found!

    I like bananas. They're yummy.
  8. K

    Mind trick picture.

    Couldn't get it
  9. K

    Final 2008 "King of ST" Thread

    Final 2008 "King of ST" Thread Spike is on the list. You fail is fail.
  10. K

    do you belive in UFO's

    "You people of earth are idiots!!!" (quote from "Plan 9 from outer space") UFO's and inteligent life somewhere else in the galaxy are 2 seperate questions. Just because there might be inteligent life on another planet doesn't mean they are technologicaly advanced enough to build a craft...
  11. K

    urgg... can you help me with my phone? i think im retarded... :P?

    i really want to get tetris on my phone : ) but when i go to get it now then get fun and games, it says unable to verify your account information. Please call Costomer Service. so yeah, what is the number for customer service. i have a lg verison wireless chocolate. (:P yeah it sucks) please...
  12. K

    help me name my new puppy!!!

  13. K

    im lookin for my 8th grade prom dress..theme is rockstar & hollywood..?

    dress like marlyn monroe :) she is so glamorous
  14. K

    the impossible quiz.... pleeeeeese help mee?

    yes. i need help. i cant get past 79... please help me if u want to do the quiz (and fail) go here and if that doesnt work go to google and type in "The impossible quiz" and click the first thing